Monday, December 1, 2008

Woman vs. Xbox

The Xbox. Who invented this piece of work anyway. Who sat down and thought of it. Did they think about certain things when they made it. Did they think who might get addicted, who's child might see somethings that they shouldn't at such a young age. It definantly was not created by a woman. What woman wants her husband to be more excited about getting on a xbox and playing with his friends than he is about spending time with her. Not me. But lately that is exactly what is happening. I feel like we are good some days and then others we fight for no reason. I get frustraded because he can hold a conversation with the guys on the xbox but can't even look me in the eyes when i am trying to talk to him. I hate it. And when i say something he says i'm listening. I say then look at me, acknowldge me. And he says no just deal with it. I don't want to deal with it. I don't have to deal with it. What do i say to him. He leaves in the morning for Louisville. I think i might write him a letter for him to read and ponder on his trip. Things for him to think about. I don't know. All i know is its the final round of the match and either woman comes back or xbox wins.