Wednesday, December 19, 2012

T minus 12 days!!!

The countdown has begun!!
12 Days from now i will be writhing in pain from doing push-ups, sit-ups and the dreaded burpees, and i cant wait!
I broke out the Body for Life book and have started making my meal plans. I'm getting ready to make my exercise plans as well. it will include insanity daily along with some strength training and a little C25K! I promised a friend that i would run a 5k with her this year, so i guess i should train:)
I am so ready to start this. I love when i am motivated:) It makes the whole process so much easier.
I have learned though that pushing through the tough times is really hard, but so so worth it.
I know that some of you may think, "well i would love to do that but i just don't have time to work out." Everyone has time to work out. If you tell yourself that you don't you are lying to yourself.
A 1 hour of working out equals only 4% of your day. 4%! Who doesn't have time for that??
Well i need to turn in for the night.
The next time you see my blog will be my official "start over" weight, not so happy about stepping on that scale, but so ready to see it drop!
Nighty, night all:)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Remember me??

Remember me? Amanda? I know its been a while. I'm back though! Lots of things have changed since my last post. I had a baby for one. He is a beautiful, healthy baby boy.

His name is Toby Alan Zook and he completes our little family.

 As the holiday's approach I cannot help but be thankful for everything God has placed in my life.
A husband who loves me and the kids and works hard to take care of us, a warm home with a soft bed, two vehicles that run and get us from point A-B, a good job that is excited for me to come back after being gone for 8 weeks on maternity leave, and a church family that welcomes us with open arms. I could go on and on.
I also am thankful for health, but I also have to do my part.
Since having Toby I have gained some of my weight back. I have let myself go lately. I have not exercised in a while and have not been eating right.
So here is where the blog picks back up.
Starting January 1st I will resume kicking butt!
I will be starting Insanity again, and am dreading it to the fullest....HA!
I can not wait to see the scale needle drop again and January can't come soon enough.
So you may ask why I don't just start now.
Well first of there are the holiday's, I mean come on I don't want to try and fit in a 60 minute work out over Christmas. Second there is all that holiday food....enough said there!
Third, I want to make sure that I am prepared for this to the fullest:)
Weigh in Wednesday will resume the last Wednesday of December with my official restart weigh in!
Excited to get this train back on track!!!
So who's with me?
Who has made a commitment to their health this year?
It can be more than just a broken new years resolution. If you need someone to be accountable I would be more than willing to be that person for you!
I will be checking in on Wednesdays until the big weigh in day.
See ya soon~