Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Weigh in Wednesday

Well here we are again. Weigh in Wednesday.
So I didn't weigh in last week. I had other stuff going on and I didn't get time to sit down and type. Writing my blog on my phone is hard so I try and do it when I can either attach our wireless keyboard to my phone or Ryan's tablet (because my iPad is usually occupied by a certain little blonde haired boy :P)
So last posted weight was 195.8. This mornings weight was 194.0. 
Still down but not quite as much as I was hoping for. 
Yesterday I was 193.6, but it was up a tiny bit this morning. I think this was mostly due to waiting on a certain visitor that is refusing to show up :/ Ladies you hear me right??

So my goal is to be at least 185 by the time I go to Florida. 
That would be 8 ish pounds in about 20 days. 
I got this!!!
I feel like to hit my goal my water needs to be in check and my eating needs to be on point. 
I have been lifting several times a week. 
I was able to get some advice from some of the guys at the gym that know their stuff. 
We (Jami and I) are going to work legs tomorrow with their help. 
Today is another cardio day. I really need to push myself tonight when I go to the gym. 

In other news....
So some of you are aware of what's happening with me and some are not. 
I had a woman's physical back in March. 
For years I have had these little nodules on my thyroid. 
She was concerned because the one was rather large to her.
So she sent me for an updated ultrasound. Last one was in 2010...
They found that the nodule on the right side has grown quite a bit and were concerned with that so they sent me to have it biopsied. 
Last week I got the call to come in so they could go over my results with me.
He said that my biopsy showed that the nodule had cancerous cells and that I would need to have part of my thyroid removed to get rid of the cancer. 
He assured me that it is a very treatable thing and that most people never have any more issues once this form of cancer is removed. 
While cancer is a very scary word I have decided that I will not fear.  
God has this all under control. 
In church on Sunday pastor Jims sermon was about fear and how we are told over and over in the Bible to not fear. 
Besides what would fear get me? 
I debated about posting anything and just keeping this a secret to myself and family but why wouldn't you want people praying for you and your recovery?
That's what the body of Christ is for, to lift each other up in prayer. 
So please say a prayer for me if you think about it. 
My surgery is scheduled for the 7th of June. 
Pray for an easy surgery and guidance for the surgeons hands. Pray for my recovery, that I would not lack energy to function. Pray for peace, that my family would have peace through all of this.
And pray for healing, that this would be the one and only time they have to go in and that they would not have to take all of my thyroid. 

Love you all and I'll keep you posted!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Well Hello There!! 

Hello, hello! 
It's been a bit since I have been on here. Not even sure where I was with the last few posts and my journey, so I will just start with where I am at currently. 
So over the course of November and December I gain quite a few pounds. Way more than I ever wanted to gain (not that anyone ever wants to gain weight). 
Now you guys know I have always been totally honest with this journey. So here goes...
When I weighed in January I was 209.9 on the scale. Call it 210 if you will. 
Let's just say that this number made me less than happy. Ryan also weighed in January and was not pleased with his number either. I won't post that because this is my blog and not his and I don't know if he would comfortable with me disclosing that. 
Anywho, in February my friend Jami asked if I wanted to join the gym with her. 
So I drug Ryan down to Eastlake and made him join with me. He wasn't thrilled at first but now if really enjoying the gym. 
So I weighed in yesterday and am happy to say that I was 195.8!
That's down 14 pounds in just 2 months! 
Now I can say that my weight would probably be down more I my diet was completely in check. I have my good days and my bad. 
I am going on a girls trip to Florida in just over a month so it's time to kick it into high gear and get this diet in check. 
I have been lifting pretty heavy and need to make sure that all my efforts in the gym are not in vain. 
My goal for this summer is not really a number on the scale but more of a inch goal. 
I purchased a new bathing suit that doesn't have...wait for it....a skirt! That's right I am going to show my thighs this summer. So my goal is to tone up and rock that bathing suit!
So what are your goals? Tone up? Lose weight? Lose inches? 
Whatever your goals are set them and then crush them. 
You can do it and you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. 

P.S. I wanna add that even though I am not going to tell you his weight I want to let you know that he is down as well. He has lost 17 pounds. I am so proud of him. 
He is loving the way he feels and can't wait to lose more!