Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Ok so the last couple of days have not went as planned. I did not workout Monday or Tuesday:/ I am terrible, but plan to do a double today. I am human and thing happen sometimes. 
I also have a tiny confession...I had a mini chocolate donut...ok two...ok a few.
Evil little buggers I tell ya. Evil but delicious! 

I still have not caved and had a coke. I didn't even really crave one until yesterday. I really really really want a McDonalds coke though. I think they put cocaine in their cokes to make you horribly addicting :P 
I have been craving Taco Bell and there are some things there that are ok for me to eat. Although Taco Bell makes me run to the restroom. Then I saw this post and laughed so hard. 

I saw this little saying as well and had to laugh. 

On to the weigh in. So my weigh in today was 196. Which means in spite of everything I lost that pound that I gain back. 

I have been avoiding carbs in the evenings. I think this is going to make a big difference for me. Last night was spaghetti Tuesday (yes we have spaghetti every tuesday:) My family are huge Italian food lovers, makes this Italian mama smile:)) but I had a turkey burger:) For lunch yesterday I really wanted fries but got my salad out like a good girl:) It's the little changes that make a big difference. 

So today is back to the T25 grind. I will do a double workout then reward myself, not with food, but with a haircut this evening:) I have to remember I'm not a dog, I don't reward myself with food when I've hit a goal or am happy or especially when I'm sad or upset. Food can no longer be my vise. Don't let it be yours.....

Saturday, October 19, 2013


And that's why i made no promises about posting...I am not always the best:/

So I survived week one of T25. It was rough but I made it through. 
When I posted Wednesday I told you that I was down 4 lbs. I started adding in a few carbs 
And proteins. Well today when I weighed I had gained a lb. I know patience pays off and weight fluctuates, but for me right now it's figuring out what works and doesn't work for me. I need something that I can follow not just until I hit my goal but something that is more of a lifestyle change. 
I have discovered that I can eat carbs, I just can't eat them after lunch time. Any carbs eaten in the late afternoon and evening stick with me and I see them on the scale the next day. Hence the 1 lb gained. 
I did notice while doing the veggie/fruit fast that potatoes didn't seem to affect me at all the way bread, pasta and sugar does. is what I am going to try out. I am going to make sure any carbs I eat are done before 2 pm. With the exception of potatoes. I'm going to continue no fast food or pop, which have actually not been a problem like I figured they would be, no cravings thus far! 

Well I need to cheer on my beloved Red Sox! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Ok so T25 suggest a STATurday, where you weigh and measure. I will still be weighing on Saturday, but I wanted to keep my weigh in Wednesday as well. 

So I guess in order for me to give a comparison I need to tell you my starting weight. Here goes......200:/ 
I am totally embarrassed that I let myself get back to a number that I never wanted to see again. 

Ok so you know for the last few days I've been eating nothing but fruits and veggies and drinking water (and one coffee:)) I am happy to report that as of today I am under the 200 mark! My weight today is 196. I am very pleased with that. It's mostly water weight I'm sure, but it's very encouraging to see the scale go down. Makes me feel like what I am doing it not a lost cause. Interested to see what I weigh on Saturday after a week of T25.
Food wise, today was probably one of my hardest days. I had so many cravings. 
My first meal I had a tangerine.
That didn't last long and I was hungry again a few hours later. I snacked on some sugar snap peas and grape tomatoes.
Then I made myself a yummy lunch and stuck it in the oven to cook for a while. Sliced up some zucchini, summer squash and tomatoes. Sprinkled with some seasoning and a little Italian dressing. Bake till tender. This is what you get:)
It's pretty yummy. Workout was around 4:30. It was total body circuit. Holy mylanta it was hard. There were a lot of burpees and push ups. I jammed my thumb on Sunday and I am feeling the pain tonight after this workout. 
I have to say that T25 has been very hard workouts! I love that they are only 25 minutes though. I sweat like crazy and feel great afterwards. However, I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Maybe I need to push myself harder? Probably. I will make sure Tanya makes me dig deeper (as Shaun T would say:)). 
For supper I had a repeat of last night. Plus I did break down and have a little bit of brat. Tonight's workout was so hard that this wasn't going to cut it, I needed and craved protein. Tonight was the last of my fruit and veggie fast anyway. I get to have cheese and protein tomorrow!! Woo hoo! 
I have not had any pop since Sunday. I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself. I was very addicted to pop. I had on average 2-3 a day. So to go from that to none is a big deal. Probably explains yesterday's splitting headache. Anywho I need to ice this thumb and pass out. Gonna have to just record Criminal Minds tonight. No way this tired mama is gonna stay awake:P 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tootsie....I don't want these rolls.....

Day 2- Well this morning I woke so so hungry! Tuesdays are very busy mornings for me since I have to get up earlier than normal to get ready before the kids get up for school. The morning started off with a  headache. I woke up with one and could not shake it. I thought maybe it was because I was hungry. I was able to finally eat some grapes in the car on the way to drop Toby off. That didn't seem to help though.  I tend to get really bad headaches that I have a hard time shaking. I caved and got a coffee on the way to work and took some headache meds. It took two more hours but it finally went away. So I broke from it and had coffee but I'm gonna forgive myself:) 
Ok so meal wise.
Meal 1... Nothing exciting

Meal 2.... I grabbed a bag of veggie medley
My lunch was at 11. That seemed to hold me for a while.
I have to say its very hard to stick to this when you have these little guys staring at you all day!!!!! I promise I did not have even a tiny bite:) 
So to curb myself I had a tangerine at 4.

I was on my own for T25 tonight. Day 2 was! So glad it's only 25 minutes long. I was dripping sweat by the time it was over. Of course as alway I was starving when I got done. The kids had evil Mac and Cheese for supper. I had this...Meal there is a baked potato under there somewhere with a little butter buds salt, topped with chopped lettuce and a diced tomato. I have to say it was quite tasty, even with out all the other things, like cheese and sour cream.

As of right now I am snacking on some frozen blueberries. Love frozen fruit:) Make sure you get a bag that only has fruit as the ingredient and not sugar though:) 
Well another day down. One more day and I can have some meat and cottage cheese. O how I long for some cheese in any form!!!!
So far not really craving breads though. Not complaining:) 


Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 1...Oy Vey...

Well here we are day 1. The day started pretty good. 
I woke up starving though. Got the kids ready for school and on the bus. Reached for the pot of coffee and remembered.....I can't have any :( Turned and saw the donuts on the counter, promptly turned and walked away. This is going to be hard....I realized that I need to be accountable in my meals. So I am going to be documenting my food intake by pictures:)  
Here goes:)  
Made myself some breakfast. A banana, grapes and an orange. It was very good. I love fruits and veggies so this should be easy right....
Meal 1....

That held me for a while. Toby had a Drs appointment at 10:20, so off to that we went. He got two shots and was tired when we got home around 11:15. Down for a nap he went and time for me to make some lunch.
Meal 2....
I allowed myself to have some ranch veggie dip. No way I could choke down the carrots otherwise. (Just not a carrot fan) on the potato I put steamed broccoli and sprinkled a little butter buds. 

Around 2 I decided I better eat something since I had a hard workout coming up at 4:30. I opted for some frozen mixed fruit. Am I the only one who loves this? 

At 4:30 Tanya came over to do T25. I had not even watched the videos yet so I didn't know what I was in for. Lets just say that it was HARD!! I was sweating like I had done an hour of insanity! 

After working out I am always starving. I came upstairs to see my wonderful hubby had made himself dinner..... This.....

I am a sucker for spaghetti. I was so so hungry too (I have to be honest I did have a little bite, but that was all!). Instead of diving in I went to my freezer and warmed up some veggie blends. 
Meal 3....
It wasn't quite the same as a large plate of spaghetti but it did the same job. 
Now I am tired and know that I am going to be o so sore tomorrow. Day two here I come.....(please ignore the quiet sobbing you hear....)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tap, tap, this thing on??

Hey there! Hi! Hey ya'll! What's new with you? I've missed you.

Honestly, life has just been stressful lately. When I have stuff going on in my head and my heart, I tend to withdraw from everything around me and become quiet. It's not the best method, but it's just how I roll. I'm hoping and praying that our life calms down (doubtful with the holidays around the corner!) and things will be "normal" (whatever THAT is!) again soon. 

The old me had a pattern when I was dealing with stress and feeling terrible about my self image. I would turn to food for comfort. So, here's my tiny confession. I turned back to my old friend junk food. Suffice to say, there has been a lot of reuniting with my old friend and that means I've put on some weight. If you've ever dealt with binge eating, well, you know that weight comes on pretty quickly. And I'm sad to say, it has.

I'm not quite ready to put that magic number out to the world just yet. I'm sure that I will because really, I have been an open book about my weight loss. But for now, I'm just going to keep that to myself. And, I'm picking myself up, dusting myself off and moving forward.

The good news is, I'm not doing this alone! I'm going to be working out with a few friends a few times a week. I will be doing my T25 videos 5 days a week (super excited!!) and Megan, Tanya and Tiffany will be joining me when they can:) 

I am going to be breaking my addiction to pop and carbs as well this week. I am so ready, but not ready at the same time. I am doing fruit and veggies only for the first three days. After that I can introduce some seafood and chicken. Water only the first three days. Basically a "clean diet".  I can do this because it says in the Bible that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! If God is for us who can be against us?

I will be posting weigh in Wednesday and would love to post more to update you. However, I can not make any promises:) I will keep you updated as i can though:) 

Ready to do this!!!!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

It seems like Wednesday rolls around quicker and quicker every week. 

Well I ran my first 5K Saturday.

 I didn't do terrible, and I came in under my goal time, but I still wish I would have ran more of it. I have lots of goals to work on now. 
Here are my race results...
Division: 5k
Bib Number: 4986
Name: Amanda Zook
City: Middlebury
Overall Place: 3199 of 3256
Gender Place: 1707 of 1749
Female 30 to 34: 255 of 262
Total Time: 51:45.87
Chip Time: 49:05.57
Total Pace: 15:50/M

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Oops.... I didn't post yesterday. 
Totally forgot:/
This short week has thrown me off a little. 
We went camping this last weekend. Had a really good weekend!
Weather was perfect for most of the trip. It did rain on Monday morning but that was no big deal:)

I did pretty well sticking with my diet. I went off course a little. Nothing severe thought. 
I fully expected a slight gain on the scale though. My water intake was poor. 
To my surprise I stepped on the scale yesterday and not only was there NOT a gain I actually LOST 1/4 lb! What?! Ryan lost about the same and he ate way worse than me! 
Maybe it was because we were active while there even though we ate bad. Who knows. I'm not complaining though and will take it! I am officially hovering at 199! This makes me very happy! Gotta hit my next goal. I have 4#s to hit it and just about a week. I start Insanity on Monday so that should help.  I would jump up and down if I was down to 195 by next weigh in:) 

I have my first 5k Saturday. I didn't prepare as we'll as I wanted to but am still excited to run it none the less. Hoping that if it does rain that there is no lightning. 

On a sad note:( Zumba has been cancelled until August:( this makes me sad because I love Zumba and having that little escape every week. I won't wish the summer away though waiting for August:) 
Well I will post on Sunday to let you know how the race went:)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

So here we are another week another weigh in.
So before I go into my weigh in I need to confess that I indulged...make that super indulged...on Saturday. Stephanie and I went to Villa Macri and had the time of our lives:) so no I don't feel guilty, but I did want to be honest:) I did weigh in Monday morning to see what the damage was. :/ I gained 2 lbs. yikes! 
So with that said, I hopped right back on track. I weighed in today at 199.5. Exact same as last week, but -2 lbs from Monday:) I can't really be upset with that. I was 1/2 a lb away from hitting my goal of losing 5lbs in 2 weeks. I'm ok with this though because I am starting to see it in my stomach. 
I set a new goal today. Losing 5 bs in 2 weeks. Gonna crack down and hit this goal! 
Well I have lots of stuff to get done before we got camping this weekend! Woot woot! 
Have a great Memorial Day Weekend friends!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

See I told you I would post today:) 
Ok I have been doing really good at sticking with my diet. 
That's not to say that I haven't been severely tempted. 
Let me tell you though it was totally worth fighting every craving when I stepped on that scale. 
Drum roll's weight......199 1/2!!!!!!!
That is a 4 1/2 pound lost since last week! That puts me just over 5 lbs since I started the low carb life. 
Ryan has not weighed in again so I don't know what his weight is. I'm positive he's lost more though. 
I have been doing Zumba and miscellaneous things. Push mowed our yard today. That is a major burner! Up and down the hills are making it hard to walk this afternoon. Loving this weather though! 
Well wish I could make this post longer but I have a garage sale to set up for and some flowers to plant:) Ta Ta for now:)

Monday, May 13, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Ok so I am terrible! 
I did not get Weigh in Wednesday posted. It was a slightly crazy week. Baseball is back in full swing and summer vacation is close, so sitting down with time to blow just doesn't come around much. 
I was able to download the app on my iPad though and I'm hoping that it will make posting much easier! 

Ok so to tell you a little about my week. It went pretty well for the most part. I'm very disappointed with myself in the exercise area.  I did not get insanity started yet.  I had a horribly clingy baby last week. We are still dealing with some after affects of an ear infection. 
I did get some ten minute trainer and Zumba in. This week will be better. I have decided to hold off in Insanity until after my first 5k (which is in just about 3 weeks!) 
So I decided that I need to train for that. So I will be doing Zumba (daily with the help of the kinect:)) and running after Ryan gets home:) 
As far as food went, I think I did pretty well. Ryan has been amazing! He has stuck by my said and followed the plan with me. He has put up with strange meals and has actually enjoyed them. He is now looking at all the labels on food. 
I finally got myfitness pal set up to track my carbs. 
I wanted to post a little about some of the meals we had. 
On Monday I made chicken and veggies I sliced yellow squash, zucchini and tomatoes. I sprayed a pan and laid them out. I sprinkled them with shredded and grated Parmesan cheese. They were AMAZING!! They are going to be my go to staple food:) 
You really must try it:)

On Thursday we tried spaghetti squash for the first time. It really was pretty good. I made an Alfredo sauce to go with it. Yummy!

So now on to my weigh in. Weight was 204. Down a pound in just 2 days! Ryan lost a pound and a half:) I'm very proud of him! 

I'm am looking forward to this week full of garage sales and planning for camping!!! I can not wait for camping!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I WILL post on Wednesday :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Opps....fell off the wagon!

Well I didn't fall of the face of the earth as some of you may suspect.
I did how ever fall off the wagon.
There was no eating right, no exercising (minus Zumba, cause I always do Zumba:))
and there was no weighing in.
I guess my heart was not in it this last round.
I have been refreshed though and am ready to not only hop back on the wagon, but to unhitch the horses and pull that sucker myself!!
Today I start round 4 of Insanity! Excited but not so sure I'm ready to not be able to walk tomorrow:)
Ryan and I also started a low carb lifestyle today.
He is great! He's so willing to do what ever there is to help me in my journey.
Today we do away with bread, potatoes, pasta, rice  and sweets.
This is going to be difficult but I know that those are a lot of the reasons I cant seem to lose weight!
Just because I am going low carb though does not mean I am condemned to eat nothing but meat and cheese. This is not so. There are lots of low carb foods. Many green veggies are considered free foods because they are low in carbs. Berries are typically lower carb as well.
Now there are lots of low carb diets out there. I just choose the one that works best for me:)
I will be having a shake in the morning, a low carb snack (veggies or cottage cheese), a shake for lunch, another snack, and a nice dinner. Dinner will consist of a veggie and a protein.
I am so excited that Ryan has committed to do this with me:)
So with this all said I will give you my new starting weight.
Weight is 205.
Ready to get back on this wagon!
Who is joining me in this journey?
I am going to try and post low carb meals that I have made to help give ideas to those who are searching for some:)
I have found many that I am excited to try!
The first one is a recipe that I came up with.
Ryan and I had it the other night.
I took steak tips, zucchini, summer squash, onions and tomatoes.
I placed them in a foil pouch and sprinkled seasoning of choice on them.
Grilled till steak was done and veggies were soft.
It was amazing!! No potatoes or bread were even necessary!
The gill is my best friend when doing low carb:)
I will try and post pictures of the other recipes I try:)
Well time to go mow the yard and burn some calories up!
See ya on Weigh in Wednesday!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Weigh in Wednesday! Woo Hoo!
I have to admit that I was slightly lazy last week and didn't get my blog posted :/
I was busy to, but I could have posted it on Monday but decided to just go ahead and wait till this week.
I will tell you that my weight was exactly the same, and I mean to the T, as the week before.
Before I tell you what my weigh in was for this week I need to explain a little about what is going on in my life right now.
Ryan and I have been attending Grace Community Church in Goshen. 
The reason for this has many parts to it.
I attended a women's night at Grace about a month ago. I was invited by Stephanie. I was really nervous at first because I found out that we were suppose to pair off into groups of 4 and I didn't really know anyone other than Stephanie.
I decided to step out of my box and enjoy the experience.
I had such a fun God filled time that a spark was immediately lit in me!
I wanted more of what I seen in those women at that church. I wanted more joy and happiness in my life. I wanted to be on fire again like I once was.
Steph invited us to church that following Sunday.
Well lets just say that Satan was successful in keeping us away that day,
but the following Sunday we went. I walked out of there so incredibly on fire that I was about to burst at the seams! I couldn't wait to go back the next week, and the next, and the next!!
I started going to Zumba with Stephanie at Grace. I am in love with it. Carla kicks my butt every week! I highly recommend it!:)
I was looking for ways to get more involved and to fuel my fire. On the second Sunday I was there we were presented with a challenge for the Re MARKable women. I was so excited.
That afternoon Steph and I signed up for it together.
Last Thursday is when the challenge started. It has not been easy but it is making me move out of my comfort zone and into God's presents.
Which brings me closer to weigh in, I'm getting there. With this challenge we have weekly challenges that we have to do. Weekly fasts if you will. This weeks fast was really hard. It was a fast from all sweets and TV. We were allowed to have one really awesome dessert but then no more sweets for the rest of the week! AHHH!!!  Now the TV has been the hardest for me, but the sweets was no walk in the park either. I held off because I didn't know what I wanted my one sweet to be. I just couldn't decide. Finally on Sunday I bought a small chocolate cake, for my family to share of course (not just for me :P), when I got groceries. I was so excited to cut into my cake and have a piece of this amazing chocolate cake with chocolate icing. It tasted so good!!
Well it wasn't so good at 1am when I was up with a horrible stomach ache due to the sugar:/
At that point I was wishing I had skipped it all together!
I had Zumba last night and did turbo fire this morning, so I was really excited to see what my weigh in was. Especially since I haven't been eating sweets.
Well I weighed in and my weigh was 201.7! Just over one pound lost!
The only different thing I did was cut out all sweets!  
I think I may make this a permanent thing! A sweet every now and then.
Holy long blog!
I wanted to include this in here because i found this blog. I love the way this girl writes and how it comes across. Its how i wish my blogs were written, but I just don't have that sort of talent.
Please visit her blog and read more. She is so inspiring and uplifting.
 I love her heart for Christ and reaching people.
This blog in particular is the cry of my heart right now!
It is seriously word for word how I am feeling!
Check it out!
I am so ready to run this race and be all that Christ is calling me to be. I just hope that all of my family and friends are willing to stand beside me and run too.
Praying for everyone of you and hoping you have a blessed week.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

What a crazy week.
I feel like I have a million things to do.
Ok so weigh in....I stayed the same. Which is ok.
My visitor came on Tuesday night...5 days late.....ugh....
Anyway, I don't fell that a no change is that bad right now.

Now as far as the "Manna challenge/Fast" Its been hard!!
I can't say that I haven't been human and had a snack here and there.
Which I s not what I want, I want to crave God! Not food, but food right now has a hold on me that I can't seem to break loose....I am trying though and I know that I can only do it once I give it to God.
Tuesday night Stephanie and I went to Zumba for the first time. it was a workout. I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would.
I am not a dancey coordinated type, but I loved it. I was surprised.
We will be going back next week:)
Steph and I have been working out together and it feels good.
I am now officially registered for not one, but two 5ks!
I am doing the Sunburst 5k on June 1st with Naomi and then I am headed out to Erie, PA August 17th to run in the Biggest Loser 5k with Kimmie Dear!
I am excited to run these.
I really want to run in the Color Run in October 5th. Who wants to run it with me??
I did think about doing a 5k called Dirty Girl Mud Run. Looks fun.
Guess I need to continue with my C25K training :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ummm.....Weigh in Wednesday??

Soooo....Ya didn't get this posted even close to Wednesday:)
I have to say thought that my weigh in results were good!
Let me break it all down a little for you.
Monday of last week i did a smoothie detox.
It was suppose to be a three day detox but after one day i was so sick that I couldn't function.
Detoxing me? Maybe....Combo of stuff just making me gassy, bloated and sick? Probably...
When I say gassy and bloated i mean I felt more inflated that the Hindenburg Blimp!
I literally felt like my insides may explode!! 
So I made an executive decision and decided one day was enough:)
I may still do the breakfast smoothie since that one didn't make me sick.
The other two are a NO!!
So Tuesday I had a really good day then with my eating.
I got a good water intake too!
Wednesday came and it was time to weigh in.
Now this last week in Bible study was focusing more on having peace about the way I feel
and not focusing on the scale.
I really wanted to weigh in though since i had such a good week so far.
I stepped up on the scale.......202!
That was a total of 2 1/2 lbs lost!!
Totally excited!!
So I carried on and had a great rest of the week.
Yesterday at church the sermon was about fasting.
Now when most think of fasting they think solely about not eating.
It has more to do with it than that.
I suggest you listen to Sundays message from Grace.
Here is the link...
Its not up just yet, but check in a day or so and see.
I have decided to do a manna challenge/fast.
Basically I will be eating "Manna" like the Israelites' ate.
Only mine is breakfast and lunch for only a week.
My "manna" will consist of one of these four things...plain brown rice, plain special k cereal (kinda like rice crispies), oatmeal (plain) or plain bread. No sugar, spreads or add-ons!
It basically suppose to be bland to remind me to be thankful, and to empty me of myself and my selfish cravings, but its also a fast for me.
He talked about crying out to God and asking him "Why God do I crave being filled with this cookie more than I crave being filled with you?"
I am fasting from coffee this week and my breakfast snacks and lunch. I will only be having
"Manna" for breakfast and lunch and then a dinner with my family.
I will be using this fast to intercede for my family in places where prayer is desperately needed.
I would greatly appreciate any prayers sent our way.
So that is my last week in recaps....
See ya in two days! HA!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Hello everyone.
I am reluctantly posting my blog today.
I have been doing this Made to Crave study.
 It is such a good study and has a lot of great messages in it.
 I feel like I (and many of the others doing the study) have been under attack by the devil since i started it.
I have been good with my food and have been getting my water intake + in.
I stepped on the scale this morning expecting to at least have lost a little.
That is definitely not what i saw. I gained a half of a pound.
Talk about being on the bring of crying and a melt down.
I know that it takes time. Its frustrating though because it came off so quickly a few years ago.
That is just not the case this time.
I feel like a failure some days. I feel like I can't do it.
I have to remember that i can! That I am capable and that I will conquer this!
In the mean time i will keep on keeping on.
Next week will be different!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Hello everyone.
Back to Wednesday already? Seems like the weeks are flying by.
The basement is getting closer to done and I can not wait!

So I started a Bible study called Made to Crave. I am only a week in but so far it is really good convicting! It talks about food and our relationships with it. How we tend to turn to food when we are emotional instead of turning to God. Here is the link to her site if you are interested in reading more.
So far it has hit really close to home. Everything she is saying I am finding is completely me.
I am guilty of running to food instead of running to God.
So on to the weigh in for the week. My weight was 203. Down 1/2 pound! Hey I'll take it:)
I am slowly getting back on track! I am starting my Turbo fire back up and then also 10 minute trainer when I get the disks. I am also getting back on the treadmill! I will not quit! I will not give in!
My favorite quote of the week:
 "God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us to much to leave us here!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Wow that week went by fast. We are back at Wednesday already!
Before I get to my weight I have a confession.
I did not work out this all! I had good intentions,
but good intentions do not get me where I need to be.
I have not been following my diet the last week either and it shows.
My weigh in was +1.5 lb, putting me at 203.5. I have no one to blame but myself.
I'm putting this in here because I want my blog to be truthful and never exaggerated.
What you read in my blog is this: The life of a working mother of 3 who is struggling with her weight just like most women are. I am human and I fail.
I give in and sometime give up, but no matter what I will get back up and push forward.
The reason for my blog is accountability to ME!
It is not to be showy or to put on a front and pretend I'm someone I'm not.
I just don't want anyone reading my blog assuming that I am pretending to be perfect and just waiting for me to fail, because guess what...we all fail, no one is perfect and that's not my intention anyway.
I just want to be the best me that I can be:)
When I'm struggling with my weight and diet, like I have been, I like to look through motivational quotes:) I thought I would share some with you.
Well that motivates me, how about you?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Hey hey everyone!
Its that time of the week again.
Weigh in day!
So my weight today was the same as last week. 202.
I'm totally OK with that. I had a rough start to this week.
I have been very hormonal and have had terrible PMS!
I can't remember the last time I had PMS like this.
I did do my 1000 squat and push up challenge. I have today's to finish yet.
Woo let me tell you that it was intense. I had some REALLY sore arms and legs.
It felt good though! Definitely going to do it again this week.
I think I am going to do a 2000 squat challenge though. (about 300 a day)

Maybe I should get this shirt! Ha!
Squats are good for the butt.
I am sticking with 1000 for push ups (143 a day) because that was hard core enough for me! HA!
I was crying by the time I got to 100 each night.
I can already tell that it brought out muscles in my arms that were feeling a little dormant.
Everyone can do the push up challenge though. Boy or Girl push ups, it doesn't matter. They all work arms, abs, legs and shoulders.
Give them a try!

Fab Ab challenge is going good. Ready for it to get a little harder. I know I'm a little crazy:)
Missed my C25K the last few days. This weekend was so crazy!
Between girls night out (which I desperately needed, and enjoyed myself so so much!) and Troy's birthday party on Sunday, I felt like I was run, run, run all weekend. It flew by!
Looking forward to this weekend though. We are going to a cabin up in Michigan for a few days.
Hoping to do a little snowmobiling and some outdoor running.
I am in much need of some time off. 
Well time to bust out these push ups and squats and to get some laundry done.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fab Ab February!!

Whoa! Two posts back to back!
Its getting serious...:)
OK so i wanted to post because i have set some particular goals for the month of February.
My long term goal is to do this monthly, along with my 2 week goals.
February is going to be Fab Ab February!
I have a calender chart to follow for the month of February.
Please feel free to join me in my fab ab journey:)
I can't wait to do Making Muscles March and Amazing Arms April! hehe.....
 Should be fun!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

So its Weigh in Wednesday and im actually posting this on Wednesday! 
You shocked? I am!
So my weight this week was nothing spectacular.
I weighed in at 202. Down 1/2 pound. Ill take it though.
I can't let the scale dominate me and control my weight loss progress. 
I know I am still losing inches and that is where is matters. 

As far as my two week goals go...well lets just say that I didn't accomplish them all. 
While I did do my C25K, I didn't get weight lifting in. I have been looking for a set of free weights to buy that are reasonably priced. I know that will make a difference. 
For right now I am still doing the 10 minute trainer and using the resistance bands on that. Still starting to see definition in my arms and some in my legs, which I know is mainly from all the running that I have been doing.

So time for new two week goals!
1. Do c25k daily (that's right stepping it up!)
2. Do ten minute trainer at least 4 times a week. 
3. Do the 1000 squat challenge (1000 squats in a weeks time)
4. Do the 1000 push up challenge (1000 push ups in a weeks time)
5. Lose 5 lbs by next goal week!

So I may not reach my goals every week, but setting them gives me motivation to be better. That's all I really strive for, to be better than I was yesterday. 
Are you striving to be a better you?