Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!!!

Yes I'm still alive. Hard to believe I know.
Shall I get right to last week since I never got it posted.
I weighed in at 182.
I wish I could say that I don't know why I, but that is not the case. I ate like crap and I didn't exercise like I should have. It was pure laziness that caused it.
So now on to today, to be honest I almost forgot it was Wednesday! You see yesterday was a very long day. I was blessed with 2 neices yesterday! That's right I said 2! My brother in law Mike and his wife Naomi welcomed a beautiful baby girl yesterday afternoon. Beatrix Anne weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Several hours later my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl as well! Klovor May weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Both moms and babies are doing well.
I didn't get to weigh in until this afternoon since I stayed the night in LaGrange with my sister. I will post that weight though. I weighed in at 183. I am so tired of feeling like a slacker though. I'm ready to kick butt and get back into this hard core. Especially with the holidays coming. Well I guess I better get going. I'm exhausted and So ready for bed!
posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Happy Mid week my friends.
Hope everyone is having a great one.
The Holidays are just around the corner.
The great think is i get to adjust my free day to when it fits me.
Which means i get to make my free day Thanksgiving day!
Turkey and stuffing and pie, here i come! :)
Ok enough food talk,
My weigh in was good today.
Today i weighed in at 180.5. 
That means i have lost almost 2 of the 3 pounds that i put on while on vacation:)
I am pretty happy with that. Its coming back off pretty fast.
I am still struggling a little to get back into a rountine, but i am slowly getting there.
I have worked out every day this week except Monday, i purely got to busy and forgot. Haha
I am headed to an actual gym tomorrow though. I.AM.SO.EXCITED!
Real weights and real weight machines. A pool to swim laps and some me time!!
Ok yes i am a little over excited. I am tired of having to lift more than one weight at a time just to get a 10 lbs weight in my hand.
O well, hopefully i can get my weight bench and set soon.
When that happens, you all better watch out! I will be a lifting machine:)
No worries, no grody muscle woman will appear:)

Well time to go make my list to take to the grocery store. I am going Thanksgiving shopping with Naomi:)
Ta ta turkeys:) he he

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

I'm back!!

O how i loved my vacation!

It was so Beautiful there. Upper 80's everyday. It was so nice to sit and relax with my husband, and thoroughly enjoy our 10th Anniversary.
This is where we stayed:)
Can't believe it has been 10 years!
Speaking of that, my new goal is to be the weight i was when we got married. 10 years ago i was 168.
That leads me to my current weight.......182.... i did gain a few pounds on vacation.
I am totally fine with this. It was an all inclusive vacation. So a 3 pound gain is nothing:)
I am trying to kick back into high gear, but i am really having trouble falling back into a good routine.
I will get the hang of it. i think it will take me a few days but i will get back there:)
I am ready to start this second half of my journey! I can't wait to see myself in another 6 months:)