Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!


Ok so you guys should know by now that i am always searching
and looking for anything to benefit my journey.
Well last week was kind of a brick wall for me. I was stuck at an impass. 
I had done everything i could think of to get the ball rolling again.
I found some temporary solutions, but temporary was not what i wanted.
Last Wednesday I had a long (much needed) talk with my good friend Amber.
She had some much needed insight for me.
She told me about this book that she had read and program she was following.
Its called "Body for Life".

 Lets just say after 2 hours and some odd minutes i was convinced that this was the next step in my journey.
I went out that night and bought the book. Amber and i decided that we would have a little challenge. First one to lose 5#s wins....well we haven't decided that part yet. Haha.
I had to sit down and read the book first before i could start. It was very detailed, but in a way that made things so easy to understand. I would read something and say, "o my word! That's me!"
I started Monday. Monday was upper body weight training. Lets just say its Wednesday and I'm still saying ouch! Yesterday morning was Cardio. Ryan and i got up at 5:30 AM and did Turbo Fire. I think he was thinking...what did i get myself into. Haha....Today is lower body weight training. I am still looking for a decent priced weight bench and some free weights. I am borrowing what i can for now.  (so if any of you out there know of anyone with a bench, bar or free weights at a reasonable price, give me a holler).

So on to weigh i weighed in at 183, that is down 1# from last week:)
I got to say i know that some of that is the fact that i stopped eating so terribly.

If anyone wants more info on the body for life please ask. It really is a program that makes you go "duh!, that makes so much sense, but no ones ever told me!"
So until next week, happy fall everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Soooo.....i didn't weigh in last week. Didn't even step on the scale.
I was sick for alot of the week and didn't even feel like it.
I did weigh in today, and guess what.....yep i went back up:(
184. Not terrible but it went the wrong way.
I have been terrible though. We went camping this weekend and i was not very good with my diet.
O well. I had such a good time camping that it was totally worth it:)
We went to Sauder Village in Ohio.

(this is not or camper, by the way)
The map is the village that you can tour:)
Just a few examples of what Sauder Village is:)
We had so much fun! It was relaxing and the kids enjoyed themselves:)

I have not been good the last couple weeks. I was taking the oxyelite pro,
i have not been taking that for the last week, due to the stomach issues i was having.
I think i am going to start back up on it though. Probably tomorrow.
My biggest problem right now, is my water intake. I just can not seem to get myself to drink enough water.
I have to just suck it up and force myself to do it!
I have 37 days before we got to Jamaica! That is not much time....eek!!
I want to be down at least 10-20 more pounds by then. Anything in there would be fine:) 
I am back into Turbo fire full force, but i need to start back on my protien drink. 
I did measure myself and i am down a few more inches from the last time. 
So i know that while it is not showing on the scale, i am still seeing it in the inches:)
My biggest thing is not letting myself get discouraged.
It is so easy to get down in the dumps about not seeing the scale move.
 I have to remind myself though that i did not put this weight on in one day
and its not going to come off in one day!
Anyway, i have lots of stuff that i need to get done around here.
Till next time...... 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Its Wednesday! Woo hoo!
Have i lost my mind? Some may say yes:)
I am a bit excited today!
Today i weighed in at 180.5!!!!!
I am 1 lb away from breaking my plateau!!!!!!

OK so now that i got that out of my system:)
I am back on a workout plan.
I started the Turbo Fire plan yesterday....I love Turbo Fire:)
Also, remember how i was talking about taking a diet supplement to help aid in my weight loss?
Well i have been taking one since Sunday.
I am taking OxyElite Pro. I really like it.
Again though i want to stress that i don't think you should take diet supplements as a sole means to lose weight. You have got to exercise, diet and drink lots of water. These are not magic pills! They are just a small aid in helping control my hunger:)
I do want to say that if you are thinking about taking these, please do not take them if you are sensitive to caffeine. They are loaded with it!
I have had a ton more energy with them, coffee is barely necessary:) (I said barley people... ;) )
I also have been eating a Greek yogurt every morning for breakfast:) I fell in love with one!
Seriously people you need to try it! IT IS AWESOME!
It is a different texture than regular yogurt so be prepared:)

Totally off subject.......
I can not believe that it is September already!
O how i love the fall days with my coffee and sweaters:)
I can't wait to do some more camping:)
Well i am off to have some yogurt and get ready to take Kaydi to her first story time at the Library:)
Ta ta for now!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday! (Yep....on Thursday)

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. "There is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It is not about speed or gold metals. It is about refusing to be stopped. "
~Amby Burfoot

So yesterday was Weigh in Wednesday....
Can ya tell I'm excited :/
Ya not so much.....
183 it was again...shocker....
This is frustraing but as the quote above says i am
not a failure as long as i keep moving!
I do not plan on stopping. Just changning my routine a little.
I am starting the Turbo Fire schedual full force on Monday!
I am so beyond ready to be doing something different.
I also think that this is just what my body needs to get me moving down the scale again:)
My new motivation?
 My sister in law Naomi gave me some pants that fit
but are a bit snug in certain places.
My goal is to be able to wear those pants comfortably when we go to Jamacia:)
I am going to try to update this blog more often,
 once i start Turbo Fires schedual:)
Well i am off to complete a long list of to do's today:)