Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Weigh in Wednesday!

Has it really been a week already? And what is that big bright thing in the sky?
Hopefully a sign that summer is around the corner. I'm beyond ready for that.

So were back at another weigh in day. I cant say that I was super happy with today's weigh in.
I weighed in at 194.4. That is one pound lost since last week. Its not a gain but I was hoping for more.
I did measure today as well. I lost 1/2 an inch in my arms and 1 inch in my hips. So it is working even if the scale isn't reflecting that. My two week goal was 190. So that's 4.4 pounds in a week now. We will see.

I wanted to share what I had for lunch. They were so good! Give them a try. I didn't put syrup on mine I just added a little peanut butter instead. I only used one egg as well. Cut down on calorie intake :)

Enjoy the rest of your week!!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Weigh in Wednesday...because my son hogs my computer

So i know its Thursday...
I did weigh in yesterday though. 
Its spring break here and Troy lives on the computer. 
I finally managed to steal it away for a bit.

So right to weigh in. 
I weighed in at 195.4!!
That's a total of 15.5 lbs lost so far!

So I'm on day 18 of Core De Force.
This week has been rough. Is been back to back long workouts.
Several resulting in me almost puking after wards. 
(I said they were hard!)
Like soaked with sweat after every workout!

The harder part though is my eating. I actually have been doing really well. 
I do take a hunger suppressant because i feel like it helps me control the snacking that i would do otherwise. 
I usually have a shake or some Ezekiel bread after my workout. 
Then another shake for lunch. 
Then i eat a reasonable dinner. 
I know what to eat. That's not the hard part. 
The hard part is not putting the stuff i shouldn't eat in my mouth. 
Can i get an amen?? 

I am setting myself small goals that lead up to my larger goal.
Next small goal is to be 190 in two weeks time. 

I am confident i can do it!