Thursday, January 31, 2013

Fab Ab February!!

Whoa! Two posts back to back!
Its getting serious...:)
OK so i wanted to post because i have set some particular goals for the month of February.
My long term goal is to do this monthly, along with my 2 week goals.
February is going to be Fab Ab February!
I have a calender chart to follow for the month of February.
Please feel free to join me in my fab ab journey:)
I can't wait to do Making Muscles March and Amazing Arms April! hehe.....
 Should be fun!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

So its Weigh in Wednesday and im actually posting this on Wednesday! 
You shocked? I am!
So my weight this week was nothing spectacular.
I weighed in at 202. Down 1/2 pound. Ill take it though.
I can't let the scale dominate me and control my weight loss progress. 
I know I am still losing inches and that is where is matters. 

As far as my two week goals go...well lets just say that I didn't accomplish them all. 
While I did do my C25K, I didn't get weight lifting in. I have been looking for a set of free weights to buy that are reasonably priced. I know that will make a difference. 
For right now I am still doing the 10 minute trainer and using the resistance bands on that. Still starting to see definition in my arms and some in my legs, which I know is mainly from all the running that I have been doing.

So time for new two week goals!
1. Do c25k daily (that's right stepping it up!)
2. Do ten minute trainer at least 4 times a week. 
3. Do the 1000 squat challenge (1000 squats in a weeks time)
4. Do the 1000 push up challenge (1000 push ups in a weeks time)
5. Lose 5 lbs by next goal week!

So I may not reach my goals every week, but setting them gives me motivation to be better. That's all I really strive for, to be better than I was yesterday. 
Are you striving to be a better you?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Ummm.......Happy Monday?

So ya...i didn't get to post last week.
It has been so hectic around here that today is literally the first day in over a week where i actually have a free morning with nothing that HAS to be done right this moment.
So as far as my weigh in goes, I actually gained a pound:(
Not supper happy about that but it will happen.
Especially when you are not eating properly and missing workouts....--->guilty<--->
Since my weigh in though i have cracked down on these workouts. Still struggling a little with my diet. Working on getting that back on track too.
I have been doing C25K and like i said in my last blog, i have really enjoyed it this time around. So much so that i started doing it more that 3 day a week. It seems to be the easiest thing to get in right now, with our basement being ripped apart anyway.
I feel it in my abs the next day. I started wearing weighted gloves when i run and now i feel it in my arms too after the workout.
Gotta run till i don't jiggle
Like i said before i am going to be doing a 5K at the end of the summer. I will be going out to Erie, Pennsylvania to run in the Biggest Loser 5K with my dearest Kim!
I am looking at possibly doing the Color run in June. I think it would be a blast! Anyone interested in doing it with me?? :)

Participate in a color runi want to do the color run !
Well i have some fussy kids today so i have to keep this short.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Measuring the New Year......

So i finally got myself measured and recorded. Figured i would share those today. I did measure a few thing most people do not measure. From my experience the last time i lost weight there were a few things that i wish i would have measured. I saw dramatic loss in a few spots and had no previous measurements to go off of to tell me exactly how much. So this time i measured those spots. I marked them with an * so that you know what i am talking about.
                                Starting Measurements                                      as of 1/20/2013   
Neck*                              13 1/2                                                             13 1/2
Bust                                 40 1/2                                                              40
Waist                               39                                                                    37
Abdomen                         45                                                                    43
Hips                                 49                                                                    48
Thigh                               31 1/2                                                              30 1/2
Calf*                                16 1/2                                                             16
Knee*                               16                                                                   15
Arm                                  14 1/2                                                             14
Weight                             205 1/2                                                           201
Body Fat                          39%                                                                38%

OK so those are my current stats:) I'm pretty happy with it. Goes to prove that the scale is not the key to all of it.
I did want to amend something from my list of two week goals that i set. We started to work on the basement. There are actually a couple walls up!! YAY!! This is some bad news for my Insanity workout though. Our house right now is very crowded and Insanity takes more room than i currently have available. Sooo.....until our basement is done i will have no place to do Insanity:( I have decided that i will do the 10 Minute Trainer and my C25K still. I have room for both of those. So i will still be working my tail off. So i guess i will have to start back over on day 1 when i get back into it:) If anyone is interested in doing it with me you are welcome to. My guess is it will be March 1st before i start again. Hoping the basement it done by then:)
While i am at it i might as well go ahead and make my New Years resolutions on here:)
  1. Lose 50 lbs
  2. Get into my Bible more
  3. Do a Bible study
  4. Eat healthy (occasional treats are OK:))
  5. Go on at least one weekend away with Ryan
  6. Get more organized
  7. Run a 5K this summer (maybe 2)
  8. Get outdoors as much as possible
  9. Stick with my exercise
  10. Grow my hair out
  11. Take the kids to do more fun thing
So what are your goals for the year??


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday! (I'll post it on Wednesday one of these weeks:))

Ya i know, its Thursday:)
These last few weeks have just been total ciaos!
I did weigh in yesterday though.
My weigh in weight was 202.
Ya not much to jump up and down about.
Not sure whats going on and why my weight isn't coming off.
 I was really good and haven't had but one pop the whole year!
I did notice inches though and had hoped to get those posted but i am typing this at work and will not be able to. I will try and get those on tonight or tomorrow:)  
Anyway. As far as my 2 week goals go i was able to hit all of them except lifting weights.
If anyone has been in our basement lately you know that we are getting ready to finish it off. All of our stuff is shoved into one corner, including my weight bench.
Sad as it is there has only been one or two nights that Ryan and i have actually been home together. He was still not able to get them out for me since we were busy on those nights.
I have been using my shake weight though and that is more of a workout that you think!
I did complete week one of C25K.
Ok so for those of you that don't know what C25K is i will enlighten you:)
C25K is a running program designed to help you train for a 5k run. Check out the website or the free app!

I am setting new 2 week goals today!
1. Do Insanity daily
2. Do C25K every week
3. Drink 70 oz of water
4. Eat clean!
5. Lift weights 3 times a week
6. Lose at least 5 lbs!

I think that should do it for this weeks new goals!
I need to make a list of all my New Years Resolutions and post them here:)
Till later.....

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Well here we are...My first Weigh in Wednesday of this year!
Shall we get right to it?
Ok so today I weighed in at 203.
That's a total of 2.5 lbs. lost!
Nothing extravagant but still a loss.
I do feel like it should have been more since I have been working my butt off.
This is technically my new week. ( I always consider the day after weigh in the start of the next "workout" week.)
So its back to sweating and eating clean.
As far as my goals go....I was able to accomplish all of my two week goals I set for this week! I have one more week on those goals before I set new ones.
I have to say that I am actually enjoying the C25K a lot.
I kinda REALLY hated it the first time!
I am enjoying the running though!
I found an amazing playlist to run and lift to!
That's right baby!! The 90's!!
Here's the link incase your interested in downloading those songs:)
Well I need to go get my workout in:)
Until later keep sweating it out!
"Don't sweat the small stuff....just sweat!"

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Insanity day 3!

I had every intention of blogging last night. When i got home from work and had supper i just had zero energy left. Busy day at work + 3 kids=Tired mama!
So here is my update. I weighed in this morning and am down 3 1/2 pounds!! Woo Hoo! I know i could be down more but my monthly friend came to visit 2 days early. (Sorry if there are any dudes reading this, but it is my blog:))
So far i am doing really good. Getting my water in and have not had any pop. Tempted? Heck yes! I am finding that i am not quite eating enough. I become incredibly hungry if i don't eat every two hours. I know this goes completely against the logic that most of us associate with dieting. With Insanity you burn so many calories that you can not afford not to eat. If you put yourself into starvation mode then your body starts to store fat instead of get rid of it. Anyhow I just wanted to stop by and update a little. Probably will Monday too:) Till then....

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Fresh Start

OK so I lied! I said last week that i was going to post my starting weight, well that didn't happen. Things were so crazy busy with the holiday's that it didn't happen.
So i did weigh in today.
My official fresh start, starting weight it 205.5.
Ya, I'm kinda really ashamed of that.....but that is what a fresh start is for...right?
I am going to set new goals every 2 weeks.
 This weeks goals are:
1. Do Insanity every day, of course!
2. Drink 60 Oz of water a day!
3. NO POP! Ya I kinda got back into that:/
4. No junk food! (Not going to be an issue, so tired of eating junk from the holidays)
5. Do C25K at least 3 times a week.
6. Lift weights 3 times a week.
I think that should do it for the first 2 weeks:)
I will be reporting back at least every other day until I get back into the routine of things, then it will be Weigh in Wednesdays.
Ready to get this thing started!!!