Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Ok so the last couple of days have not went as planned. I did not workout Monday or Tuesday:/ I am terrible, but plan to do a double today. I am human and thing happen sometimes. 
I also have a tiny confession...I had a mini chocolate donut...ok two...ok a few.
Evil little buggers I tell ya. Evil but delicious! 

I still have not caved and had a coke. I didn't even really crave one until yesterday. I really really really want a McDonalds coke though. I think they put cocaine in their cokes to make you horribly addicting :P 
I have been craving Taco Bell and there are some things there that are ok for me to eat. Although Taco Bell makes me run to the restroom. Then I saw this post and laughed so hard. 

I saw this little saying as well and had to laugh. 

On to the weigh in. So my weigh in today was 196. Which means in spite of everything I lost that pound that I gain back. 

I have been avoiding carbs in the evenings. I think this is going to make a big difference for me. Last night was spaghetti Tuesday (yes we have spaghetti every tuesday:) My family are huge Italian food lovers, makes this Italian mama smile:)) but I had a turkey burger:) For lunch yesterday I really wanted fries but got my salad out like a good girl:) It's the little changes that make a big difference. 

So today is back to the T25 grind. I will do a double workout then reward myself, not with food, but with a haircut this evening:) I have to remember I'm not a dog, I don't reward myself with food when I've hit a goal or am happy or especially when I'm sad or upset. Food can no longer be my vise. Don't let it be yours.....

Saturday, October 19, 2013


And that's why i made no promises about posting...I am not always the best:/

So I survived week one of T25. It was rough but I made it through. 
When I posted Wednesday I told you that I was down 4 lbs. I started adding in a few carbs 
And proteins. Well today when I weighed I had gained a lb. I know patience pays off and weight fluctuates, but for me right now it's figuring out what works and doesn't work for me. I need something that I can follow not just until I hit my goal but something that is more of a lifestyle change. 
I have discovered that I can eat carbs, I just can't eat them after lunch time. Any carbs eaten in the late afternoon and evening stick with me and I see them on the scale the next day. Hence the 1 lb gained. 
I did notice while doing the veggie/fruit fast that potatoes didn't seem to affect me at all the way bread, pasta and sugar does. is what I am going to try out. I am going to make sure any carbs I eat are done before 2 pm. With the exception of potatoes. I'm going to continue no fast food or pop, which have actually not been a problem like I figured they would be, no cravings thus far! 

Well I need to cheer on my beloved Red Sox! 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Ok so T25 suggest a STATurday, where you weigh and measure. I will still be weighing on Saturday, but I wanted to keep my weigh in Wednesday as well. 

So I guess in order for me to give a comparison I need to tell you my starting weight. Here goes......200:/ 
I am totally embarrassed that I let myself get back to a number that I never wanted to see again. 

Ok so you know for the last few days I've been eating nothing but fruits and veggies and drinking water (and one coffee:)) I am happy to report that as of today I am under the 200 mark! My weight today is 196. I am very pleased with that. It's mostly water weight I'm sure, but it's very encouraging to see the scale go down. Makes me feel like what I am doing it not a lost cause. Interested to see what I weigh on Saturday after a week of T25.
Food wise, today was probably one of my hardest days. I had so many cravings. 
My first meal I had a tangerine.
That didn't last long and I was hungry again a few hours later. I snacked on some sugar snap peas and grape tomatoes.
Then I made myself a yummy lunch and stuck it in the oven to cook for a while. Sliced up some zucchini, summer squash and tomatoes. Sprinkled with some seasoning and a little Italian dressing. Bake till tender. This is what you get:)
It's pretty yummy. Workout was around 4:30. It was total body circuit. Holy mylanta it was hard. There were a lot of burpees and push ups. I jammed my thumb on Sunday and I am feeling the pain tonight after this workout. 
I have to say that T25 has been very hard workouts! I love that they are only 25 minutes though. I sweat like crazy and feel great afterwards. However, I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Maybe I need to push myself harder? Probably. I will make sure Tanya makes me dig deeper (as Shaun T would say:)). 
For supper I had a repeat of last night. Plus I did break down and have a little bit of brat. Tonight's workout was so hard that this wasn't going to cut it, I needed and craved protein. Tonight was the last of my fruit and veggie fast anyway. I get to have cheese and protein tomorrow!! Woo hoo! 
I have not had any pop since Sunday. I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself. I was very addicted to pop. I had on average 2-3 a day. So to go from that to none is a big deal. Probably explains yesterday's splitting headache. Anywho I need to ice this thumb and pass out. Gonna have to just record Criminal Minds tonight. No way this tired mama is gonna stay awake:P 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tootsie....I don't want these rolls.....

Day 2- Well this morning I woke so so hungry! Tuesdays are very busy mornings for me since I have to get up earlier than normal to get ready before the kids get up for school. The morning started off with a  headache. I woke up with one and could not shake it. I thought maybe it was because I was hungry. I was able to finally eat some grapes in the car on the way to drop Toby off. That didn't seem to help though.  I tend to get really bad headaches that I have a hard time shaking. I caved and got a coffee on the way to work and took some headache meds. It took two more hours but it finally went away. So I broke from it and had coffee but I'm gonna forgive myself:) 
Ok so meal wise.
Meal 1... Nothing exciting

Meal 2.... I grabbed a bag of veggie medley
My lunch was at 11. That seemed to hold me for a while.
I have to say its very hard to stick to this when you have these little guys staring at you all day!!!!! I promise I did not have even a tiny bite:) 
So to curb myself I had a tangerine at 4.

I was on my own for T25 tonight. Day 2 was! So glad it's only 25 minutes long. I was dripping sweat by the time it was over. Of course as alway I was starving when I got done. The kids had evil Mac and Cheese for supper. I had this...Meal there is a baked potato under there somewhere with a little butter buds salt, topped with chopped lettuce and a diced tomato. I have to say it was quite tasty, even with out all the other things, like cheese and sour cream.

As of right now I am snacking on some frozen blueberries. Love frozen fruit:) Make sure you get a bag that only has fruit as the ingredient and not sugar though:) 
Well another day down. One more day and I can have some meat and cottage cheese. O how I long for some cheese in any form!!!!
So far not really craving breads though. Not complaining:) 


Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 1...Oy Vey...

Well here we are day 1. The day started pretty good. 
I woke up starving though. Got the kids ready for school and on the bus. Reached for the pot of coffee and remembered.....I can't have any :( Turned and saw the donuts on the counter, promptly turned and walked away. This is going to be hard....I realized that I need to be accountable in my meals. So I am going to be documenting my food intake by pictures:)  
Here goes:)  
Made myself some breakfast. A banana, grapes and an orange. It was very good. I love fruits and veggies so this should be easy right....
Meal 1....

That held me for a while. Toby had a Drs appointment at 10:20, so off to that we went. He got two shots and was tired when we got home around 11:15. Down for a nap he went and time for me to make some lunch.
Meal 2....
I allowed myself to have some ranch veggie dip. No way I could choke down the carrots otherwise. (Just not a carrot fan) on the potato I put steamed broccoli and sprinkled a little butter buds. 

Around 2 I decided I better eat something since I had a hard workout coming up at 4:30. I opted for some frozen mixed fruit. Am I the only one who loves this? 

At 4:30 Tanya came over to do T25. I had not even watched the videos yet so I didn't know what I was in for. Lets just say that it was HARD!! I was sweating like I had done an hour of insanity! 

After working out I am always starving. I came upstairs to see my wonderful hubby had made himself dinner..... This.....

I am a sucker for spaghetti. I was so so hungry too (I have to be honest I did have a little bite, but that was all!). Instead of diving in I went to my freezer and warmed up some veggie blends. 
Meal 3....
It wasn't quite the same as a large plate of spaghetti but it did the same job. 
Now I am tired and know that I am going to be o so sore tomorrow. Day two here I come.....(please ignore the quiet sobbing you hear....)

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tap, tap, this thing on??

Hey there! Hi! Hey ya'll! What's new with you? I've missed you.

Honestly, life has just been stressful lately. When I have stuff going on in my head and my heart, I tend to withdraw from everything around me and become quiet. It's not the best method, but it's just how I roll. I'm hoping and praying that our life calms down (doubtful with the holidays around the corner!) and things will be "normal" (whatever THAT is!) again soon. 

The old me had a pattern when I was dealing with stress and feeling terrible about my self image. I would turn to food for comfort. So, here's my tiny confession. I turned back to my old friend junk food. Suffice to say, there has been a lot of reuniting with my old friend and that means I've put on some weight. If you've ever dealt with binge eating, well, you know that weight comes on pretty quickly. And I'm sad to say, it has.

I'm not quite ready to put that magic number out to the world just yet. I'm sure that I will because really, I have been an open book about my weight loss. But for now, I'm just going to keep that to myself. And, I'm picking myself up, dusting myself off and moving forward.

The good news is, I'm not doing this alone! I'm going to be working out with a few friends a few times a week. I will be doing my T25 videos 5 days a week (super excited!!) and Megan, Tanya and Tiffany will be joining me when they can:) 

I am going to be breaking my addiction to pop and carbs as well this week. I am so ready, but not ready at the same time. I am doing fruit and veggies only for the first three days. After that I can introduce some seafood and chicken. Water only the first three days. Basically a "clean diet".  I can do this because it says in the Bible that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me! If God is for us who can be against us?

I will be posting weigh in Wednesday and would love to post more to update you. However, I can not make any promises:) I will keep you updated as i can though:) 

Ready to do this!!!!!