Thursday, January 29, 2015

Weigh in Wednesday...just a day late:)

So I didn't get weigh in Wednesday posted yesterday.  It was a full day. I sat in bed last night and almost started my post but criminal minds won my attention span for the evening:)
So as I sit here waiting for my oil to be changed I figured I may as well update now.
As far as the challenge goes i feel like I'm still doing well. I've had my moments and even cheated a little here and there. Monday was a terrible day and i stead of going to the gym i sat in the chair and had an oreo (yes singular,  as in only 1!). Totally not the end of the world:) 
I'm hoping February doesn't throw me a monkey wrench though. it tends to be a very busy month for me. I plan to continue what I have been doing so far.  I won't have the shakes for daily use but as far as eating and exercising that will stay the same. 

Now to get to the weigh in. 
Just to clear up how I weigh in. I use my scale at home and have been comparing it to the scale at the gym. Well the scale at the gym broke so I don't have a secondary scale to compare it to so I'm gonna go with what my scale says (it's always been a lost the same, sometimes slightly heavier, than the gym scale).
As of today I have lost 13 lbs!! 
I'm super happy with that! 
I haven't really told you actual weigh as of yet. I don't have anything to hide so here goes.
My starting weigh was 208 :/ I really let myself go over the holidays. I weighed in at work for a challenge and then proceeded to gain 3 more pounds before I officially started that following Monday.  
My weight as of now is 195. Starting to feel much better too. Getting rid of all of that bloat. 
Well my oil change is almost done so I should wrap this up. 
I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy the super bowl!  
You know I have to say it too....Go Patriots!!! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weigh in Wednesday!

Hello hello! Its been a week since my last post. 
I promised I would weigh in today. 
Before I get to that let me fill you in on how my week was.
 So days 1-3 on the cleanse phase were a piece of cake. Days 4-6 were very hard. I really struggled with missing cheese and dairy. 
On day 7 (yesterday) I finally bounced back into it full force. 
Today is day 8 which ment back to the fiber drink. I had a much harder time choking it down than in the first 3 days. 
I weighed in this morning and was very pleased to see that i had officially lost 10 lbs since the beginning of the year. 
I wish this post could be longer but I have been running on fumes lately so nighty night:)

Thursday, January 8, 2015 2

So as you all know I started the Advocare Challenge yesterday.  
I have to say so far it really hasn't been very difficult.  Dare I say I'm actually enjoying it. 
For those of you that don't know what it is let me give you a little info on what I do on a daily basis.
The first 10 days of the challenge are a cleanse.  
You have a fiber drink that you drink first thing in the morning. That part was what I was most worried about. It's not the greatest tasting but it's not the worse thing I've ever taken. 
Then you have some supplements that you take 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch. 
I think that is the part that has been most difficult for me. I am definitely not use to taking so many supplements.  I was burping up vitamins all day yesterday.  
Here is a glimpse of what I take daily
Its quite a few pills to choke down. Im doing it though. Ive already noticed a spike in my energy. I havent had coffee or pop in 5 days! I started that back on Sunday before the challenge. 
Eating so far has been fairly simple. Im really not struggling with any of it. 
The meals are not horribly restricting. I get a protein, veggie and complex carb. 
I made these to eat in the mornings. 
Its just 16 eggs, a bag of peppers, onions and 3 slices of 12 grain whole grain bread chopped up. Mix together and pour into muffin pans. It made 16 muffins. I eat one or two depending on my hunger level. 
They are supper yummy! 
Most of you know my obsession with lists. Well this challenge is prefect for me just for that reason! It comes with a book that walks you through step by step for each thing that needs to be done. There is even a box to check off what you've done so far. Love it!! 

I will post a weigh in Wednesday next week. 
So far ive been going to the gym everyday. I am really liking it. Its a lot harder to cop out of going when i know i've paid for a membership.  
I dont want to be a "New Years resolution statistic". I have promised myself I will do this for my health and happiness. Glad that I have some pretty awesome people to take this journey with:) 
I'm hoping to update this blog every few days. 
Until then friends....

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015...I will rule you

It's been a year...a whole long year since i last updated this blog. Wow...
A lot has happened in this last year. I left my job at the bank, I got a new job, Ryan had a brief hospital stay, we had some major personal issues, got a dog and so many other things. I was more than happy to celebrate the end of 2014...aka...the worst year ever!! That may be a little dramatic. It was terrible though for the most part.  

Looking back though at the last year I realize that I am not happy with myself. I have gotten so lazy and complacent with my weight. I'm miserable to say the least. It's like a train wreck though. I'm not hungry but I continue to eat, and eat, and eat. Enough it enough. 

So I've decided to do the 24 day Advocare challenge with my friend Amber. I am actually really looking forward to it. I am also going to be doing a weight lose challenge/competition with my coworkers. The icing on the cake (see what I did there ;)) is the fact that I joined a gym today. Getting out and going to a gym will help me to stay motivated. It's hard to half heartedly workout when you know people are warching. When you are all alone at home its so easy to sit and watch the fit healthy people on the video work out ...not that I've ever done that:) 

I'm hoping to stay up to date on this blog this year. That's including my weigh in Wednesdays.