Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Hello everyone.
I am reluctantly posting my blog today.
I have been doing this Made to Crave study.
 It is such a good study and has a lot of great messages in it.
 I feel like I (and many of the others doing the study) have been under attack by the devil since i started it.
I have been good with my food and have been getting my water intake + in.
I stepped on the scale this morning expecting to at least have lost a little.
That is definitely not what i saw. I gained a half of a pound.
Talk about being on the bring of crying and a melt down.
I know that it takes time. Its frustrating though because it came off so quickly a few years ago.
That is just not the case this time.
I feel like a failure some days. I feel like I can't do it.
I have to remember that i can! That I am capable and that I will conquer this!
In the mean time i will keep on keeping on.
Next week will be different!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Hello everyone.
Back to Wednesday already? Seems like the weeks are flying by.
The basement is getting closer to done and I can not wait!

So I started a Bible study called Made to Crave. I am only a week in but so far it is really good convicting! It talks about food and our relationships with it. How we tend to turn to food when we are emotional instead of turning to God. Here is the link to her site if you are interested in reading more.
So far it has hit really close to home. Everything she is saying I am finding is completely me.
I am guilty of running to food instead of running to God.
So on to the weigh in for the week. My weight was 203. Down 1/2 pound! Hey I'll take it:)
I am slowly getting back on track! I am starting my Turbo fire back up and then also 10 minute trainer when I get the disks. I am also getting back on the treadmill! I will not quit! I will not give in!
My favorite quote of the week:
 "God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us to much to leave us here!"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Wow that week went by fast. We are back at Wednesday already!
Before I get to my weight I have a confession.
I did not work out this all! I had good intentions,
but good intentions do not get me where I need to be.
I have not been following my diet the last week either and it shows.
My weigh in was +1.5 lb, putting me at 203.5. I have no one to blame but myself.
I'm putting this in here because I want my blog to be truthful and never exaggerated.
What you read in my blog is this: The life of a working mother of 3 who is struggling with her weight just like most women are. I am human and I fail.
I give in and sometime give up, but no matter what I will get back up and push forward.
The reason for my blog is accountability to ME!
It is not to be showy or to put on a front and pretend I'm someone I'm not.
I just don't want anyone reading my blog assuming that I am pretending to be perfect and just waiting for me to fail, because guess what...we all fail, no one is perfect and that's not my intention anyway.
I just want to be the best me that I can be:)
When I'm struggling with my weight and diet, like I have been, I like to look through motivational quotes:) I thought I would share some with you.
Well that motivates me, how about you?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Hey hey everyone!
Its that time of the week again.
Weigh in day!
So my weight today was the same as last week. 202.
I'm totally OK with that. I had a rough start to this week.
I have been very hormonal and have had terrible PMS!
I can't remember the last time I had PMS like this.
I did do my 1000 squat and push up challenge. I have today's to finish yet.
Woo let me tell you that it was intense. I had some REALLY sore arms and legs.
It felt good though! Definitely going to do it again this week.
I think I am going to do a 2000 squat challenge though. (about 300 a day)

Maybe I should get this shirt! Ha!
Squats are good for the butt.
I am sticking with 1000 for push ups (143 a day) because that was hard core enough for me! HA!
I was crying by the time I got to 100 each night.
I can already tell that it brought out muscles in my arms that were feeling a little dormant.
Everyone can do the push up challenge though. Boy or Girl push ups, it doesn't matter. They all work arms, abs, legs and shoulders.
Give them a try!

Fab Ab challenge is going good. Ready for it to get a little harder. I know I'm a little crazy:)
Missed my C25K the last few days. This weekend was so crazy!
Between girls night out (which I desperately needed, and enjoyed myself so so much!) and Troy's birthday party on Sunday, I felt like I was run, run, run all weekend. It flew by!
Looking forward to this weekend though. We are going to a cabin up in Michigan for a few days.
Hoping to do a little snowmobiling and some outdoor running.
I am in much need of some time off. 
Well time to bust out these push ups and squats and to get some laundry done.