Thursday, December 15, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday ....late

Ok so I got busy yesterday and didn't get it posted:) I'm going to keep it short and sweet today:)
I weighed in at 181.5
I'm very happy about that!
Its going to be a very busy couple.of weeks, so bare with me if I post a little late here and there:)

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, December 12, 2011

Weigh in Monday????

Ok friends. You caught me. I've been slacking.
I did weigh in on Wednesday of last week I just never got the chance to post it. I had a sick child most of the week.
I weighed in at 184.5:(
Ahhh!!!!! I couldnt believe i had let myself get so lazy! I wanted to cry on Wednesday, but then I decided that I will not lay down and give up! I got up dusted myself off and gave myself a kick in the arse!
I got back on track and started getting my water intake down, working out, and watching my food intake.
I had my free day on Saturday and was able to kick back in on Sunday!
I will not be defeated by this!
I did weigh in today at 182. I am going to be weighing in more often to keep myself more accountable, I will not be posting every weigh in though.
I have my motivation back and am ready to lose the next 10 lbs on my goal list!
I did want to say that I finally bought new pants. That was partially the new motivation.
Two years ago at this time I was barley in an 18. I bought new pants last Sunday that were 11/12! I have not wore that size since high school! That is my new motivation. I would like to be in an 8 by summertime.
But I am back and you will be seeing motivational quotes, pictures and weekly blogger again!
So watch out!!!

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!!!

Yes I'm still alive. Hard to believe I know.
Shall I get right to last week since I never got it posted.
I weighed in at 182.
I wish I could say that I don't know why I, but that is not the case. I ate like crap and I didn't exercise like I should have. It was pure laziness that caused it.
So now on to today, to be honest I almost forgot it was Wednesday! You see yesterday was a very long day. I was blessed with 2 neices yesterday! That's right I said 2! My brother in law Mike and his wife Naomi welcomed a beautiful baby girl yesterday afternoon. Beatrix Anne weighed in at 7 lbs 13 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Several hours later my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl as well! Klovor May weighed in at 6 lbs 3 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. Both moms and babies are doing well.
I didn't get to weigh in until this afternoon since I stayed the night in LaGrange with my sister. I will post that weight though. I weighed in at 183. I am so tired of feeling like a slacker though. I'm ready to kick butt and get back into this hard core. Especially with the holidays coming. Well I guess I better get going. I'm exhausted and So ready for bed!
posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Happy Mid week my friends.
Hope everyone is having a great one.
The Holidays are just around the corner.
The great think is i get to adjust my free day to when it fits me.
Which means i get to make my free day Thanksgiving day!
Turkey and stuffing and pie, here i come! :)
Ok enough food talk,
My weigh in was good today.
Today i weighed in at 180.5. 
That means i have lost almost 2 of the 3 pounds that i put on while on vacation:)
I am pretty happy with that. Its coming back off pretty fast.
I am still struggling a little to get back into a rountine, but i am slowly getting there.
I have worked out every day this week except Monday, i purely got to busy and forgot. Haha
I am headed to an actual gym tomorrow though. I.AM.SO.EXCITED!
Real weights and real weight machines. A pool to swim laps and some me time!!
Ok yes i am a little over excited. I am tired of having to lift more than one weight at a time just to get a 10 lbs weight in my hand.
O well, hopefully i can get my weight bench and set soon.
When that happens, you all better watch out! I will be a lifting machine:)
No worries, no grody muscle woman will appear:)

Well time to go make my list to take to the grocery store. I am going Thanksgiving shopping with Naomi:)
Ta ta turkeys:) he he

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

I'm back!!

O how i loved my vacation!

It was so Beautiful there. Upper 80's everyday. It was so nice to sit and relax with my husband, and thoroughly enjoy our 10th Anniversary.
This is where we stayed:)
Can't believe it has been 10 years!
Speaking of that, my new goal is to be the weight i was when we got married. 10 years ago i was 168.
That leads me to my current weight.......182.... i did gain a few pounds on vacation.
I am totally fine with this. It was an all inclusive vacation. So a 3 pound gain is nothing:)
I am trying to kick back into high gear, but i am really having trouble falling back into a good routine.
I will get the hang of it. i think it will take me a few days but i will get back there:)
I am ready to start this second half of my journey! I can't wait to see myself in another 6 months:)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

OK, today i am going to go into detail. 
I wanted to post my starting points and my ending points (as of now:))

                                   Start              Today
  1. Bust                    42---------------37
  2. Waist                  38---------------31
  3. Abdomen        46.5---------------37.5
  4. Hips                47.5---------------42.5
  5. Thighs            30.5----------------25
  6. Calves               17----------------14.5
  7. Arms             16.25----------------12
  8. Weight             219----------------179  
  9. Body fat     40.10%----------------35.01%                                                           
So there is my detailed measurements and weight:) 
  I am pretty happy with that:)
Even though my weight it the same as last week. 
I was not every good this weekend, and i missed a workout on Monday. That is the first time in months that i have missed. I felt terrible to for missing, but i have to realize that its gonna happen now and then. 
There will not be a Weigh in Wednesday next week. I am going to be in Jamaica (that's right be jealous:)) so i wont have a scale. I am going to take workout clothes though and take advantage of a full gym! 
I hope everyone has a great weekend. I will think of all of you while i am lying on the beach;)
Till next time........

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Good Morning Everyone!
Hope everyone is having a good week so far.

As you know today is Weigh in Wednesday:)
I am very happy to share some exciting news with you!
Today i weighed in a 179!
Plateau BROKE!!
I am so excited!
Actually i weighed in on Sunday morning cause i was feeling thinner (if that's possible...hahaha)
and i weighed in at 178.5, but i had free day on Sunday and i pigged out ;)

I am so happy to have finally broken this plateau that hung over my for so long.
This just re confirms to me that the "Body for Life" book is working.
So far i have lost 5 lbs in 4 weeks, which doesn't seem like alot. You have to remember though that i had been trying to lose this 5 lbs for 2 months now, and working out 2-3 hours a night wasn't working either.
I now for out for 45minutes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and i do 15-20 minutes of cardio (before i eat anything) on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday.
So much easier that what i was doing. This is definitely something i can stick with for life!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Good morning everyone!
How is your Wednesday going so far?

Well as you all know by now, Wednesday is my weigh in day....
Shall we get right to it?
Well after just 2 1/2 weeks on this Body for Life program,
my official weight is......180! I can hardly believe it! I am dead on with my plateau!
One more pound and i will have defeated it!
I am thrilled with this!

So now that's over, let me ask you a question....
Has anyone taken my challenge?
Read the book at least?
It works, trust me.
Now for some harsh words that i think so many need to hear......
Unless you decided that you are going to change your life, it will not happen.
Don't sit around and wait to get "motivated", because it probably wont happen.
You have to decide, "I'm going to do this for ME! For my kids, and spouse. I want to be healthy! I want to give God glory by taking care of the body he gave me" (its not our body but His)"
So whats your choice??
Do you choose to sit there in your own misery?
Do you choose to take control of your life?
Ultimately the choice is yours, just remember that the next time you are in a dressing room trying on clothes
and you wanna cry because you don't like what you see,
or when you see a fit person and say "if only i looked like her", that person didn't get that way by sitting around waiting for motivation...........

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Goood morning everyone:)
Today is weigh in day....
I know you can barley wait;)
OK so today i weighed in a 181.5!
That is down 2.5 lbs since starting this Body for Life book.....this makes for one happy girl:)
I am really enjoying the changes that this book is bringing.
It is teaching me that diets don't work (at least not long term),
It is also teaching me that certain lifestyle changes aren't realistic either.
You can not eliminate something from your diet and expect to never crave or eat it again.
Sometimes you just want pizza, or cake, or ice cream. Its just not reasonable to say
"I'm not going to ever eat that again cause its not good for me". 
On this plan i get a free day to eat what ever i want.
Now I'm not just talking about indulging a little, I'm taking about full fledged pigging out:)
I can have my cake, pizza, Chinese, pumpkin roll, ice cream, and a candy bar if i want.
I know what you are thinking. You just ruined your diet.
Wrong...i actually  made my week (not my diet) better.
When i allow myself to indulge once a week i don't tend to crave the unhealthy things, because i know i have a free day coming:)
I know that this probably doesn't make much sense just hearing it from me.
So let me make this challenge to you....
go buy the book and read it. Then try it for a few weeks.
Then let me know what you think about it. Tell me you don't feel better, that you didn't lose any weight.
Then i will believe that this doesn't work:)
As of right now, this is just awesome!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!


Ok so you guys should know by now that i am always searching
and looking for anything to benefit my journey.
Well last week was kind of a brick wall for me. I was stuck at an impass. 
I had done everything i could think of to get the ball rolling again.
I found some temporary solutions, but temporary was not what i wanted.
Last Wednesday I had a long (much needed) talk with my good friend Amber.
She had some much needed insight for me.
She told me about this book that she had read and program she was following.
Its called "Body for Life".

 Lets just say after 2 hours and some odd minutes i was convinced that this was the next step in my journey.
I went out that night and bought the book. Amber and i decided that we would have a little challenge. First one to lose 5#s wins....well we haven't decided that part yet. Haha.
I had to sit down and read the book first before i could start. It was very detailed, but in a way that made things so easy to understand. I would read something and say, "o my word! That's me!"
I started Monday. Monday was upper body weight training. Lets just say its Wednesday and I'm still saying ouch! Yesterday morning was Cardio. Ryan and i got up at 5:30 AM and did Turbo Fire. I think he was thinking...what did i get myself into. Haha....Today is lower body weight training. I am still looking for a decent priced weight bench and some free weights. I am borrowing what i can for now.  (so if any of you out there know of anyone with a bench, bar or free weights at a reasonable price, give me a holler).

So on to weigh i weighed in at 183, that is down 1# from last week:)
I got to say i know that some of that is the fact that i stopped eating so terribly.

If anyone wants more info on the body for life please ask. It really is a program that makes you go "duh!, that makes so much sense, but no ones ever told me!"
So until next week, happy fall everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Soooo.....i didn't weigh in last week. Didn't even step on the scale.
I was sick for alot of the week and didn't even feel like it.
I did weigh in today, and guess what.....yep i went back up:(
184. Not terrible but it went the wrong way.
I have been terrible though. We went camping this weekend and i was not very good with my diet.
O well. I had such a good time camping that it was totally worth it:)
We went to Sauder Village in Ohio.

(this is not or camper, by the way)
The map is the village that you can tour:)
Just a few examples of what Sauder Village is:)
We had so much fun! It was relaxing and the kids enjoyed themselves:)

I have not been good the last couple weeks. I was taking the oxyelite pro,
i have not been taking that for the last week, due to the stomach issues i was having.
I think i am going to start back up on it though. Probably tomorrow.
My biggest problem right now, is my water intake. I just can not seem to get myself to drink enough water.
I have to just suck it up and force myself to do it!
I have 37 days before we got to Jamaica! That is not much time....eek!!
I want to be down at least 10-20 more pounds by then. Anything in there would be fine:) 
I am back into Turbo fire full force, but i need to start back on my protien drink. 
I did measure myself and i am down a few more inches from the last time. 
So i know that while it is not showing on the scale, i am still seeing it in the inches:)
My biggest thing is not letting myself get discouraged.
It is so easy to get down in the dumps about not seeing the scale move.
 I have to remind myself though that i did not put this weight on in one day
and its not going to come off in one day!
Anyway, i have lots of stuff that i need to get done around here.
Till next time...... 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Its Wednesday! Woo hoo!
Have i lost my mind? Some may say yes:)
I am a bit excited today!
Today i weighed in at 180.5!!!!!
I am 1 lb away from breaking my plateau!!!!!!

OK so now that i got that out of my system:)
I am back on a workout plan.
I started the Turbo Fire plan yesterday....I love Turbo Fire:)
Also, remember how i was talking about taking a diet supplement to help aid in my weight loss?
Well i have been taking one since Sunday.
I am taking OxyElite Pro. I really like it.
Again though i want to stress that i don't think you should take diet supplements as a sole means to lose weight. You have got to exercise, diet and drink lots of water. These are not magic pills! They are just a small aid in helping control my hunger:)
I do want to say that if you are thinking about taking these, please do not take them if you are sensitive to caffeine. They are loaded with it!
I have had a ton more energy with them, coffee is barely necessary:) (I said barley people... ;) )
I also have been eating a Greek yogurt every morning for breakfast:) I fell in love with one!
Seriously people you need to try it! IT IS AWESOME!
It is a different texture than regular yogurt so be prepared:)

Totally off subject.......
I can not believe that it is September already!
O how i love the fall days with my coffee and sweaters:)
I can't wait to do some more camping:)
Well i am off to have some yogurt and get ready to take Kaydi to her first story time at the Library:)
Ta ta for now!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday! (Yep....on Thursday)

Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going. "There is no failure in running, or in life, as long as you keep moving. It is not about speed or gold metals. It is about refusing to be stopped. "
~Amby Burfoot

So yesterday was Weigh in Wednesday....
Can ya tell I'm excited :/
Ya not so much.....
183 it was again...shocker....
This is frustraing but as the quote above says i am
not a failure as long as i keep moving!
I do not plan on stopping. Just changning my routine a little.
I am starting the Turbo Fire schedual full force on Monday!
I am so beyond ready to be doing something different.
I also think that this is just what my body needs to get me moving down the scale again:)
My new motivation?
 My sister in law Naomi gave me some pants that fit
but are a bit snug in certain places.
My goal is to be able to wear those pants comfortably when we go to Jamacia:)
I am going to try to update this blog more often,
 once i start Turbo Fires schedual:)
Well i am off to complete a long list of to do's today:)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

183.....enough said......

I was not exactly good this weekend so i guess i have no one but myself to blame.
I am going to crack down hard though these next few weeks while i am still doing Insanity and Turbo fire. After that i am going to be hitting Turbo Fire with all my might.
That October deadline is getting awful close!
I also need to lose more because i am having a lot of issues finding a bra that fits properly. They are either too small around and too small in the cup or too big around and too small in the cup.....ugh....this is annoying!

Well I'm off to the dentist to finish the process that i started a year and a half ago! After today i will be DONE!!! I cant believe its finally here:)

Ta ta for now....

Friday, August 19, 2011

O ya baby!!

71 days left until Oct 29, 2011
-- Jamaica!!!!!
Just had to share that:)

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!!

Ok... so Chellsie this is for you;)
I totally did not have time to post today. I did weigh in this morning. Trust me I never forget to do that:)
It was a little disappointing, I was at 183.....will I never get past this hump?

I have started doing Turbo Fire this week! I Flipping Love It!!!!! I gave been doing it and insanity this week. I'm a little on the sore side but I know that it all leads to great results:)

Although I am not rapidly losing anymore, I am so motivated right now that I don't think a freight train could stop me right now! I love my Husband and the support he gives me:) That and the fact that He puts up with me working out 1-2 hours a night:) Thanks for all my friends and family for pitting up with me and my calories this
and workouts that:) I have had many.
people tell me that I inspired them to
eat better or workout more, truth is I
didn't set out to do that, but the more
I hear it the more I want to inspire others. I heard a quote "Good players inspire themselves, Great players inspire others!"
So here is my challenge : What are you doing today that will inspire someone to change their lives? Can't think of anything? What will you do about that?
Just some food for though:)

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Its Wednesday!!!

Ready to report my weigh in:) Its really not as bad as i thought it would be. Especially after the way that i ate Friday, Saturday and Sunday:P

My weight is 183. Like i said not terrible. Not great either. Back to the norm i guess, meal replacements, lots of water, butt kicking exercise, etc....
I did take another picture.

Very happy with the way that i am looking.
I found a picture of me from last year, i tell you i wanted to cry just looking at it....I can not believe i let myself get to that point! Never again.....

I am getting there slowly but Shirley:) only 15-20 #s till i hit my 50# weight loss goal!!
I can not believe that i am even that close:)
I purchased my next adventure:) I have 4 weeks left before Insanity is over. I had been really thinking about what i am going to do next....I was so lost. I didn't want to do Insanity for the 3rd time, because i didn't want to burn myself out on it. Well i was listening to my Beach Body coach talk about her workouts and how much she loves them. Then i saw it, Turbo Fire!!!
Click here to watch what its all about.......
It should be here Monday, and i can't wait!!!
I am going to do it the last two weeks, along side Insanity!

Well i better get up and clean:)
Get out there and work out everyone!!
Sweat is a beautiful thing!


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Its Wednesday once again.
Does this summer seem to be flying or is it just me? Can't believe school starts back up in 2 weeks.
Anyway.....lets get to it....after a rough couple of weeks, and not really seeing anything on the scale (except for it going up:/....), i am happy to say that this morning on the scale i weighed in at 181.5! That's 4.5 lbs lost  since last Wednesday. I have to say though that i have been pushing my workouts to the extreme! I kick butt hard during the workout. I have been very good about my water and i am supplementing 2 meals a day with a shake AND fruit or veggie. I have taken a few supplement diet pills but not on a regular basis. Tiffany and i are back to walking and running. (well we have only done it once this week, but we are planning on being back. ha ha). I have to say that i have been so sore all week. I guess that means i am pushing it hard:) You gotta push past the pain though to get places.
We are quickly approaching my birthday.....the BIG 30!! Ahhhhh!!! I am working hard to reach my first goal before my 30th. My goal is 175 by then. Seems easy, but when you have hit a plateau, loosing one pound is not easy....I know that i can do it though:) Trust me, i am not giving up!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

So we stumble upon Wednesday once again......time to step on the evil Wii board....

I'm just going to come right out with weight this morning is 186...blah....
Not the best time for me to weigh....ya know that typical stuff;) Fair food Sunday

Ya i kinda felt like this guy. Haha
That and its been to hot to run after Insanity:( We did walk one night and we were dripping with sweat at the end! My annoying friend that visits once a month also decided to stop by this week....blah....bring on the muchies...

I have been a little down the last few weeks about this weight loss. I seem to be stuck and going no where...I hate plateaus!
I am ready though to kick it in the butt and get this started again! I am determined not to stay stuck in this rut! Now i am not one that is usually into diet pills or shake replacements. Mainly because i believe that people use them for the wrong reasons. They use them instead of working out, not in addition too....I have decided though that i am going to try a few thing to help kick start my weight loss again. I am eating better and exercising so i believe they will help get the ball rolling:) We will see.....i guess if that doesn't work than i could always take this approach:)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

It's Wednesday!
That means it is weigh in day!
I was quite interested to see what the scale says.
Like i reported last week, there was a small mishap with the scale and my actual weight.....
so because of that i reported that my new current weight was 185.
Well lets just say that i did weigh on Sunday just for the heck of it....i wanted to cry!
It had went up to 186.5! Why??? I was doing Insanity and drinking my water and, i thought, watching my calories. Well i can say that by Monday evening i realized that was not so. I was in fact doing Insanity and drinking water, and i still don't drink much pop,
but i was not watching my calories as closely as i thought i was.
So on Tuesday i decided it was time to crack down hard!! I brought back out "My Fitness Pal" calorie tracker and i upped the water intake majorly!
So i am happy to report that Weigh in Wednesday didn't make me cry! HA!
My weight as of today is 183!
3.5 Pounds! Finally getting somewhere!

On to Insanity.....
You would think that since this is my second round of Insanity,
i would not be so sore....WRONG!
These workouts have kicked my butt just as bad as they did the first round!
Brooke and I have been really pushing each other though. Its so nice to have someone to do this with every time. It is hard to do Insanity by yourself.
Its too easy to stop and take too many breaks.
Its so much better to push and push and push, until you just cant move!
I am very glad to be doing Insanity again. I really did miss it. I sleep so much better and have so much more self confidence in knowing that i am bettering myself:)

O and to those of you that think Insanity is easy, i just have one thing to say.....
Bring it!
Do it and prove to me you can not only do it, but finish all 60 days!
Then tell me how easy it is;)
I never understood people that feel the need to put others down, when they are trying their hardest to make themselves better. You should encourage them not put them down.
No matter what i will not be detoured, you can not say or do anything that would throw me from the path that i am running down!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Weigh in Wednesdays!! (Amended )

So today is Wednesday...this week has went fast. I apologise for the lateness of weigh in Wednesdays. I have been at the dentist all morning and afternoon. I am actually still here waiting on some things. I thought I would post while I had a minute :)

So I discovered something interesting about my Wii board. It has these little extenders that go on the feet of it. Why is this important you ask? Well I discovered on Monday that my true weight might just be a little off.......I weighed Brooke in on the Wii, to help her keep track. When the weight came up she said that she knows it was not correct. I could not think of a reason. Then I thought about those extenders. I put them on and had her weigh again. This time it was dead on to what she had said
This got me thinking....when Ryan came home from the chiropractor I had him weigh....seeing how he had just been weighed there.....he was dead on the weight as well. So....I weighed in yesterday. I was indeed heavier than I thought. Not by alot, but by some. So it looks like its about a 15# difference with or with out those extenders.

Now I don't want to fool my self and say that I am lighter than I am. I want to be real about it. So I weighed in this morning. On the scale with the extenders it said that I am 185. I am alright with this because this means that I actually weighed closer to 215 when I started working out...yikes!! I still know that I have lost and the inches prove this:)

So my new goal is again 170 by the time school starts:)

On to insanity! It has been a crazy sore week.....between Insanity and running and biking (ouch) I am one sore momma. I have realized that bike seats are very evil things.

I told Ryan this time around everyone around me is sore with me. Lol. Its very nice to see people you love deciding to better themselves. Chellsie is going to join the Insaneness tonight:) We just keep adding more and more. I love it!!

Well its about time to go back in for the rest of my dentist visit ......until next time my blogger buddies :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, July 11, 2011

Insanity...take two!!

So I'm back....I know, I know, I have not been good about updating. Last week was crazy busy and I didn't get a chance to even weigh in. I did weigh in this morning though, in preparation for my second round of Insanity.....which starts today!! I'm ready! Two weeks off was nice but I have not been sleeping as well and I don't feel as full of energy. Anyway, my weight as of today is......168 1/2 and 33% body fat! Woo hoo! My new goal is 160 by the end of the month. This is just craziness to me.......that is 30 1/2 albs lost since starting insanity on May 2nd. So crazy!

So today is Fit Test day! I am a little. sore from all the swimming and running yesterday, so this should be interesting....Haha.......I asked Ryan yesterday if he was ready for this....he said "I guess..."
Brooke Wilson will be doing it this time around. She is stoked! :D

I am also going to be running and riding bike with my sister in law Tiffany and possibly Chellsie when she can:) Tiff and I are preparing to run a 5 k later this summer. I am so excited to check this accomplishment off my list!

Well I'm off to clean and do laundry:)
Get out there and sweat my friends:)

posted from Bloggeroid

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Before, during, after..........

Ok i told you i would post before and after pictures. So here you are:) This is my way before picture ( sorry about the darkness of it, it was taken with Ryan's phone)

 This is my picture at the half way point....I see a difference already!!!

Then this is my after picture!! You can bet that i will be sending it to Insanity so that i can get my T-shirt!! Love it!! SO excited to start my second round!

I am taking the rest of this week and next week off.
There is still going to be a Weigh in Wednesday though. I still need to monitor it:)
I hope everyone has a great 4th of July!!! Enjoy your vacations and family time!!!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Its Wednesday again? This week has just flown by! Troy has been gone all week. He is at my Mom and Dads house till Thursday. They have vacation Bible school this week and it was easier for him to stay than to run him back and forth every day. They are enjoying having him and i think he is enjoying being away from his sister for a few days:) haha.....She is actually going tonight to stay the night and go to Nursery at Bible school (since she is not old enough for Bible school, this way she feels like she is part of it even if she is just in the nursery with other kids). That means date night with the hubs!! O YA!! Its been a while:) We are going to go to Mishawaka and eat at TGIFridays (bruschetta chicken pasta, here i come:) ) and then go to Old Navy and Dicks Sporting Good:) I love my man:)

Aaaannnnyyywayyy.....Time for the moment of truth:)
Today on the scale i was 171!! Woot woot!!
I am only one pound away from the first goal i set myself!! I can not hardly believe that...
with that said i have to admit that this week i have not been doing insanity. I have just upped my water intake and watched my diet.  I love my water bottle:) Mine is the pink one! I got it at CVS. It has an ice stick inside that is re freezable and the bottle holds 64 oz! (I have since found a bigger one:) I try and drink 2 of these a day.

I came to a point where i just needed a break. Since this was the last week i decided to just take it off as well as next, before starting over on July 11th with Ryan:)
I am planning on taking an after picture tonight...and another before picture before the next round.

I am also thinking about doing p90x after the next round of insanity. Not sure on that one yet. I am going to be doing c25k on my phone DURING the next round of insanity.

It is an app on my phone where you go from the couch to a 5 k (hence c25k). It helps you get in shape to run a 5k, which is something that i would like to do by the summers end. Not sure it will happen but we will see.....Maybe i can talk Stephanie into running with me (hint, hint Steph:).....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I will not be moved! Will you??

I will stumble, I will fall down, but I will not be moved! This has been my anthem today!
I love this song!!

I have been tempted, and taunted by the devil this week. He has thrown past things at me and reminded me of who I was. He has told me that I'll never succeed, but......he's wrong! He has not won and I will not let him defeat me! God is on my side and i am bought with the blood!!
When ever the devil reminds you of your past, just remind him of his future, and watch him quiver!!!!

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, June 26, 2011

What its not Wednesday? ...........

What? Wait...its not Wednesday? O wow I guess I finally have time to get on here and post. haha......

Yesterday was a long more than one way...
Have you ever had one of those days that just make you wanna cry all day?
Ya that's the wonderful kind of day that I had.
I let petty things, that don't usually bother me, affect me hardcore yesterday!
I even got to the point where i had to shut myself in the bathroom and just cry.
My feelings were hurt so bad over something so small.
I don't think this person understands how bad i was hurt.
It felt intentional (even if i wasn't) and then it felt like they were poking me with a hot stick all night:( Just a bummer of a night!
Ryan was so sweet and just came and gave me a big hug and kiss and told me he loved me and would take me to do anything i wanted that evening, but then Kaydi was not feeling the best.
She laid down and took a nap and seemed to be feeling better later on.
At that point though we decided that it would be best if she didn't go anywhere. 
I did go out later with my girl Tanya though:) I am so thankful to have Tanya as my bestie:) She is such a great friend to me, and is always there to cheer me up when i need it. She came and picked me up and we went and just talked and laughed. It made my evening much better! I realized that the friends who truly love me and care about me will always be (and have always been) there for me no matter what.
Isn't it amazing how some people change from day to day. One day they are your best friend and wanna hang all the time and the next day they can make you cry:(
I am not saying that i am perfect by any means. I am however trying to live my life for Christ to the best of my ability. Which means letting things go. I prayed alot yesterday about the whole situation. I believe that God is telling me that i need a Facebook break. I need to focus on the things that are important in life, and i believe that Facebook keeps me from that.
I have realized that people use Facebook to hurt others. They use it as a venting tool and run to it when they are mad at someone so that the whole world can see.
I have decided that i am going to take a Facebook break for a week. With that said i will be posting Weigh in Wednesday, since i know several people read it.
So if you don't hear from me on Facebook, you can always check in here. And if I'm not here, don't worry, I'm fine and am concentrating on my life:)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

So today i was not excited to weigh in...several reasons caused this. I am very bloated, thanks to a certain monthly friend :/,  I also have been having indigestion a lot lately (probably cause i have been eating so much broccoli salad:) But its so good:) ) Anyway, i did weigh in this morning. For the last few weeks i have been stuck at 176ish. i increased my water intake, hoping that would help. So with out further weight today was 173! Woo hoo!! I finally made it over that 176 hump! YAY!!
I only have a week and a half left of Insanity. A little bitter sweet...
i am ready for a break from the insanest, but at the same time i am worried about not working out intensely every day. I am going to be doing other things during the week i am taking off. My last day is July 2nd, so i am going to get to enjoy the 4th of July week, which is very busy for me.....Then i will be coming back to Day 1 of Insanity, starting over, with Ryan:) I am excited to start it with my husband (although he doesn't seem to reciprocate those feelings....Hahaha...)
Well i am off to take Troy to church camp:) He is so excited!
Hopfully it will not be a week before i update again.....

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday! (very late!)

So sorry That it took me so long to post. I did weigh in today. I was not able to get on here though and post it. I had a cake that I had to finish and deliver today.  (see below) :)

Now to the weigh in.....176:( Same same same! A little frustrating, at the same time I lost more inches. I am now over 30 inches lost. So I know that its still working. I am not sure if on the scale I have hit a plateau or what. I am going to look into it a little.

I apologize to those who are tired of hearing me talk about calories and working out and weightloss, but this is who I am now, so I guess you'll have to get use to it or ignore me:)

So I am going to try to post more. These last two weeks have been crazy busy, but I'm going to try:) Thanks for patiently waiting for "Weigh in Wednesday":)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

So there was not much to report this week. My weight stayed about the same. Right about 176. I can handle that though.... I am increasing my water intake though. We will see if that helps.

I started the second half of Insanity Monday. It is crazy! I thought the first part was hard. I had no idea what was in store for me. I have been so sore all week. I am interested to see what the scale says next week.

So like I said not much to report. Just truckin' along and working my tail off. Sorry this took so long to post though. Busy day:) Mowing, Insanity, lunch and swimming with Ms. Stephanie and my kids. Welcome back summer:)

Friday, June 3, 2011


So I wanted to add another post today to give an update. Yesterday when I weighed in my weight was 182.5. That didn't seem quite right even though I weighed twice. So I took it and accepted it as my weight. Today I weighed in Just cause I was curious. I have been very good with my diet and water intake and with insanity. Well I guess the hard work paid off. I weighed in today and the weigh in was 173.5. Same weigh in spot and everything. Not sure why it was so different except for the fact that I had been terribly bloated the last few day and today I don't feel that way. (Monthly just ended a few days ago). I guess I could probably chaulk the weigh gain up to that:) O well Just thought I would update:)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

So its Wednesday once again.

This weekend was filled with lots of stress and adventures. I think these all played a part in my weight this week. First of all let me tell what my weight was. It was 182.5:( Meaning i have gained a few pounds since last weigh in:( This saddens me a little. At the same time i know that during this process there will be ups and downs. This weekend i let my self indulge a little. Not to much though.

Well lets start at the beginging.
Friday night the plan was to try and be there around sevenish. Ya....lets just say that didn't happen. Haha. We did arrive around 7:30ish though. We got checked in and went back to our site. When we pulled up to the site it did not look like the site we saw on the web site. It was more slopped than the one on the site and more shadded. O well we decided to park. It was a tough spot to back into, but Ryan had backed into worse, so we didn't think much of it. As he is backing up we hear a POP! We rush to the other side of the truck to see a nice dent in the side of Duane's truck. :/ Nice...... :/
After we finally got parked we realized the camper was leaning to the right terribly bad! So they decided to try and level it out. Ryan pulled forward, which ment pulling into the grassy campsite across the road from us. (Remember all that rain???) well while trying to back up he got stuck:( Great.....There were some guys just a couple camp sites over from us that hooked up to the back of the trailer and helped pull us backwards. :/ Finally we were parked. Still unlevel but parked...It was time to finally cook supper. Burgers and veggies it 8:45 but better late than never....i guess. haha.
Saturday morning came way to early. One we stayed up and talked around the camp fire. Troy fell asleep in my lap and Kaydi fell asleep in Ryans lap. (How did i get the heavy one?) Two Kaydi did not sleep very well. I was up on and off most of the night. All i wanted when i woke up was some coffee. Ryan was on the same brain wave as me. So he got the coffee pot and decided to take it outside to make it. While at the top of the camper stairs, he dropped the pot.....crash and crack....broke clean in half. We have on of those thermas coffee pots. It broke right where the black handle and the silver part meet. Not a big deal, just one of those things where it just takes the cake........Lucklly you can buy just the replacement pot. I love this maker:) 
Most of Saturday was spent taking care of my little Troyer, who was throwing up and running a fever. He had (and still has) a terrible cough and lots of chest congestion. (which we figured out later in the day, was Kaydi's issue as well) We decided to go into town and get a few things that we forgot, and to get TT some meds. We then looked for a place to fish. Didn't really find anything that was not under water from all the rain. Troy got tired of walking so i carried him piggy back all the way back to the truck. Ryan told me how impressed he was with me that i could carry him up that hill. My thighs were burning by the time we reached the truck, but it felt good to get some exercise in. The rest of the evening consisted of rain, rain and more rain....can you say MUDD!! My feet felt like this all weekend long...
(these are not my feet, just how they
We gave Troy his meds and he ended up sleeping from 8pm-after 8am. He felt much better when he woke up.
Sunday started out great. Sunny and warm. We decided to take a row boat out and fish a little. Not one bite, but the kids enjoyed our little lunch on the boat:) Kaydi kept singing the duck song. Haha. Got any grapes??? (Click to watch the duck song:))
On the way back in from the lake i decided that i wanted to row in. So i rowed the boat all the way in from the middle of the lake! ABS and arms baby!
We came back from the lake to discover we were under a Severe thunderstorm watch and tornado watch. (which were upgraded to warnings)  Great...... We decided to just wait it out at the camp site. It blew over very quickly and our evening continued. Corn hole and campfire:)
Monday was just beautiful! We spent the morning cleaning up and packing away. We then went to the beach. It was so nice. We had corn dogs and ice cream. 
All in all it was good weekend. We did have to shampoo the camper floors from all the mudd and i mowed the yard when we got home:) Camping is always fun, but always so much work. It is all worth it to see the kids have a good time and to spend time with friends:)
I hope everyone had a great weeked.

Now its time to get my self back on track. Time to kick back into weight loss mode!
First i have lots of cleaning and putting things away, to do from the weekend. I better get cracking!
Happy mid week already!!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

So its weigh in day..or should i call it moment of truth day?...ha ha
As i posted Monday i am starting to see a difference in my clothing and in my face. So i know i am still losing.
I stepped on the scale this morning and it said that my current weight is 177.5 and 34% body fat! Woo Hoo! That's only 2 lbs since last time, but its still a loss. I did measure as well. I was too curious to wait it out..he he. Well i am pleased to say that i am also down another 7.25 inches!! So after this i have come to the conclusion that i am an Insanity fanatic for life! I know it works so why waste my time trying to find another exercise.

This week is the final week for phase one! Can't believe its here already. When i started the program the first thirty days seemed so far away...and now here we are. Next week is the recovery week of Core Cardio and Balance, but don't let the word "recovery" fool you, i have watched this video....not easy! But then i guess it wouldn't be Insanity if it was:)

You may not hear from me for a few days. No worries:) Its Memorial Day weekend! YAY! We are going camping at Chain O Lakes campgrounds. I am so excited. First Camping trip of the year. I will still be watching my calories, even though i am on vacation. I will not be doing Insanity on Saturday while we are away, this is the first time since i started that i will miss a work out! I'm a little nervous. I am going to ride my bike and probably go for a run in the morning, just to get my exercise in. I will try and check in here Friday morning before we leave, but no promises:) I may send one over the weekend, if i am not to busy soaking up the sun and playing corn hole with friends:) I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day with family and friends. Remember to thank a soldier for all they do and to remember those who gave their all!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Captured image

Sorry that i have not updated in a few days. Got a little busy.

We had such a great weekend! We had friends over Friday night for Supper and Corn hole! Then we played a little scum...(can't go with out the scum!)

Saturday we went out to Texas Roadhouse for supper with Kurt and Stephanie:) It was soooooooo yummy! I was so proud of my self! I stayed in the calorie count for the day, even with rolls and ribs:) (and of course a Raspberry Margarita that Steph would say...delish:)) We then went to Cowboy Up in Medon, Mi. For Melissa's birthday:) It is a country western bar. We had so much fun with friends. 

 Then the camera came out and pictures started being taken. Steph and I took a picture and when i turned the camera around to see the picture boy was i shocked! It didn't even look like me.

I knew that i was losing weight and inches, but there is something about seeing a picture of yourself that just makes or breaks it. I was very pleased with the way that i am looking:)

O and by the way here is what i looked like a few months ago.

I can really tell in my face that i have lost:) Can't wait to post one at the 60 day mark!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coaching me.....

So i officially have a Beach Body Coach!! WOO HOO!!
Her name is Sara Ann Boling and she has taken the same path that i now travel...
She too decided that Insanity was for her, and it has changed her life!
She is going to be there for me, to encourage me, listen to me, answer my questions and so, so much more....
If you are looking for a coach to help you along, then you need to check out 
 to find a coach and to set up your workout and fitness goals! Trust me you will like it love it!!!!
 O and after i finish Insanity this is next!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Weigh in day!

So as planned i weighed in today:) I am happy to report that after another week of working hard i am down another 1.1 lbs! So that puts me at 179! I have not weighed that in years! Next stop 170! WOO HOO!!!!!

On a side note....Im so ready for a vacation!
I need to get away, i need time to relax.
This Saturday we are going out with friends to Texas Roadhouse! CHILD FREE!
I can't wait for one of these 
Texas Roadhouse Caesar Salad
and of course these

I will be saving up all of my calories for this meal:)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Lets see if Insanity measures up!

So today is officially measurement day. Since Stephanie could not work out with me tonight, we measured me on Saturday. I was very anxious to see my results. So at the two week mark here I have the official results! As of 5/16 I have lost 17#s, 2% body fat, and 7 inches over all! I'm pretty stoked about that!

So Saturday was pure Cardio and then ABS. Lets Just say that ABS was less than easy;) I did like the fact that it was only 20 minutes long.

I am slowly starting to see a change in my clothes and in my overall endurance. Today was a little one the lady side, but what can I say, it was a long weekend:) Looking forward to next weekend! Couples night out! Woo hoo!
Till next time:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Weigh in Wednesday!

Well I am half way through my second week. Still really loving this Insanity! I have decided that it would be best to weigh in on Wednesdays. You know half way through the week thing:) Sunday was not my friend on the scales. I guess the two slices of veggie pizza i had Saturday (which i had been craving, and my husband was so nice to get me for my mothers day meal:))did not like me:) I had gained 4 lbs back! YIKES! Ryan said that he thinks i am weighing in to often. I have to agree that if i continue to weigh every few days i will just stress myself out. That is why i think once a week is going to be plenty:) So look for my official Weigh in Wednesdays:)

So i did weigh in today. I am happy to report that i lost lost 4.5 lbs:) Bye, bye pizza guilt:) I do have to say that Monday and Tuesday's workouts were absolute butt kickers! I am kind of nervous for Saturday's. It is going to be two workouts. Pure Cardio and Cardio abs. Just for the fun of it Stephanie and i watched it to see what it would look like. Lets just say that our abs hurt just watching it! Eeeekk....... On the up side i get a massage on Friday night! Happy Mothers day to me:)

I will let you know how Saturday goes. If you don't hear from me you might want to send an EMT with some icy hot and heating pads!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers day!

Well insanity has kicked my butt this week. It has been hard but well worth it.

I discovered a few this this week while doing Insanity:
1: I am stronger than I give my self credit for.....I have much more will power than I ever though I would. I am loving this new found drive towards a goal!
2: I need to invest in a Really good sports bra! The ladies are doing more jumping than I am!
3: Stephanie and I have a lot in common. We both dislike sea food, neither of us are fans of swimming in lakes or the ocean (we prefer pools, less things jump out and grab you in there:)), and we both enjoy working out.....most days;)

So Friday was weigh in day. I stepped on expecting a pound or two. I got 7#'s! So my new weight is 181. I am starting to really feel a difference in my body. Not so much seeing anything in my clothes yet....we'll give that some time:)

Today is my rest day. It feels odd not to have a workout. Its also mother's day! Happy mother's day to all you hard working moms out there!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 4.....Not so insane...

So today was not so bad. For starters i was able to actually make it out of bed...which for me right now is pretty darn good..ha! Got out and got groceries. I did it the non-lazy way. I went to Meijer first and bought what i needed there. When i checked out i used the self check out lane and bagged my own groceries. Go Me! Then i went to Aldi and got the rest of my groceries, and again bagged my own (you don't get the option there:)) After putting away the groceries and getting Troy off the bus, it was time to see what Insanity had in store for me today. I was plesantly surprise to find that today was just Yoga and stretching....It was much needed after the last few days. I'm guessing i wont be so lucky tomorrow since its "Pure Cardio", but can you say fat burner:)
Like someone said on facebook yesterday...i wish we could fast forward 60 days to see what we look like:)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stop the Insanity!!!!...on second thought i like it!

So i have been terrible about updating this.
Last week my insanity videos arrived

So Exciting!
I started them Monday
They are...well intense is the word that comes to mind!
I am really enjoying them though.
Crazy i know, but they really are awesomely terrible. Haha.....
As promised i am going to be updating this often (more often than i have been, i promise)
I am going to try and weigh in twice a week and measure myself...or have Stephanie measure me...weekly.....

So to update so far....
My weight as of 4/29/11 ,before insanity started, was 197 and 38% body fat! Yikes!
I weighed in again this morning and to my shock the scale was very nice to me:) As of 5/4/11 i have lost 8.8 lbs (down to 188.2!!) and 2% body fat! (down to 36%)

I am well aware that most of this is probably water weight, but that is always the first step!
Just so you know, i am using my Wii Fit board to weigh in. It is the easiest way for me to track it, and in the past has been pretty spot on with my weight.
I am so excited!
I can't wait to start Day 3 tonight with Miss Stephanie Hage!
Love it!
O and did i mention that we are going to Jamaica this fall!!!!! One more reason to slim down!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Open window, chuck out computer!!

So yesterday was the first day of our core conversion update on all our systems. New systems, new tickets, and new questions! By lunch time i wanted to pull my hair out! Ahh!! We had so many phone calls that i lost count. It was always the same question too...."i can't get into my online banking, blah..blah...blah....Ugh! Anyway today is my day off. So when i should be doing dishes and laundry and many other things, i continue to sit on my butt humming Bruno Mars' song "The Lazy Song" ( ) , my theme for the day:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

You just weight.........

Why do i wait so long to post? I guess i lack the time for the most part. I am too busy not wanting to do the laundry, dishes, dust and many other things:)

I wish spring would get here already. While i do enjoy the winter, i have to say that i have defiantly had my fill of it this year.

I bought the insanity videos last week. Can't wait to get them. I am so ready to do this! I am a little bummed that many people around me are telling me that i can't do it! I guess that just gives me more drive! Tell me i can't and i will show you that not only can i do it, but i can do it better than you ever could! I am so miserable with the way i am feeling lately. No energy, i feel terrible, look terrible...blah, blah, blah......I am also fast approching the BIG 30! AHHHH!!!!! I wanna be one of those people who says "im in better shape at 30, than i was in highschool! :)

I am hoping to track my weight loss process on here and facebook. As soon as i get the videos i will start:) I guess i must get back to the fifth load of laundry for the day....ugh........