Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!

Weigh in Wednesday! Woo Hoo!
I have to admit that I was slightly lazy last week and didn't get my blog posted :/
I was busy to, but I could have posted it on Monday but decided to just go ahead and wait till this week.
I will tell you that my weight was exactly the same, and I mean to the T, as the week before.
Before I tell you what my weigh in was for this week I need to explain a little about what is going on in my life right now.
Ryan and I have been attending Grace Community Church in Goshen. 
The reason for this has many parts to it.
I attended a women's night at Grace about a month ago. I was invited by Stephanie. I was really nervous at first because I found out that we were suppose to pair off into groups of 4 and I didn't really know anyone other than Stephanie.
I decided to step out of my box and enjoy the experience.
I had such a fun God filled time that a spark was immediately lit in me!
I wanted more of what I seen in those women at that church. I wanted more joy and happiness in my life. I wanted to be on fire again like I once was.
Steph invited us to church that following Sunday.
Well lets just say that Satan was successful in keeping us away that day,
but the following Sunday we went. I walked out of there so incredibly on fire that I was about to burst at the seams! I couldn't wait to go back the next week, and the next, and the next!!
I started going to Zumba with Stephanie at Grace. I am in love with it. Carla kicks my butt every week! I highly recommend it!:)
I was looking for ways to get more involved and to fuel my fire. On the second Sunday I was there we were presented with a challenge for the Re MARKable women. I was so excited.
That afternoon Steph and I signed up for it together.
Last Thursday is when the challenge started. It has not been easy but it is making me move out of my comfort zone and into God's presents.
Which brings me closer to weigh in, I'm getting there. With this challenge we have weekly challenges that we have to do. Weekly fasts if you will. This weeks fast was really hard. It was a fast from all sweets and TV. We were allowed to have one really awesome dessert but then no more sweets for the rest of the week! AHHH!!!  Now the TV has been the hardest for me, but the sweets was no walk in the park either. I held off because I didn't know what I wanted my one sweet to be. I just couldn't decide. Finally on Sunday I bought a small chocolate cake, for my family to share of course (not just for me :P), when I got groceries. I was so excited to cut into my cake and have a piece of this amazing chocolate cake with chocolate icing. It tasted so good!!
Well it wasn't so good at 1am when I was up with a horrible stomach ache due to the sugar:/
At that point I was wishing I had skipped it all together!
I had Zumba last night and did turbo fire this morning, so I was really excited to see what my weigh in was. Especially since I haven't been eating sweets.
Well I weighed in and my weigh was 201.7! Just over one pound lost!
The only different thing I did was cut out all sweets!  
I think I may make this a permanent thing! A sweet every now and then.
Holy long blog!
I wanted to include this in here because i found this blog. I love the way this girl writes and how it comes across. Its how i wish my blogs were written, but I just don't have that sort of talent.
Please visit her blog and read more. She is so inspiring and uplifting.
 I love her heart for Christ and reaching people.
This blog in particular is the cry of my heart right now!
It is seriously word for word how I am feeling!
Check it out!
I am so ready to run this race and be all that Christ is calling me to be. I just hope that all of my family and friends are willing to stand beside me and run too.
Praying for everyone of you and hoping you have a blessed week.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday!!

What a crazy week.
I feel like I have a million things to do.
Ok so weigh in....I stayed the same. Which is ok.
My visitor came on Tuesday night...5 days late.....ugh....
Anyway, I don't fell that a no change is that bad right now.

Now as far as the "Manna challenge/Fast" Its been hard!!
I can't say that I haven't been human and had a snack here and there.
Which I s not what I want, I want to crave God! Not food, but food right now has a hold on me that I can't seem to break loose....I am trying though and I know that I can only do it once I give it to God.
Tuesday night Stephanie and I went to Zumba for the first time. it was a workout. I actually had a lot more fun than I thought I would.
I am not a dancey coordinated type, but I loved it. I was surprised.
We will be going back next week:)
Steph and I have been working out together and it feels good.
I am now officially registered for not one, but two 5ks!
I am doing the Sunburst 5k on June 1st with Naomi and then I am headed out to Erie, PA August 17th to run in the Biggest Loser 5k with Kimmie Dear!
I am excited to run these.
I really want to run in the Color Run in October 5th. Who wants to run it with me??
I did think about doing a 5k called Dirty Girl Mud Run. Looks fun.
Guess I need to continue with my C25K training :)

Monday, March 11, 2013

Ummm.....Weigh in Wednesday??

Soooo....Ya didn't get this posted even close to Wednesday:)
I have to say thought that my weigh in results were good!
Let me break it all down a little for you.
Monday of last week i did a smoothie detox.
It was suppose to be a three day detox but after one day i was so sick that I couldn't function.
Detoxing me? Maybe....Combo of stuff just making me gassy, bloated and sick? Probably...
When I say gassy and bloated i mean I felt more inflated that the Hindenburg Blimp!
I literally felt like my insides may explode!! 
So I made an executive decision and decided one day was enough:)
I may still do the breakfast smoothie since that one didn't make me sick.
The other two are a NO!!
So Tuesday I had a really good day then with my eating.
I got a good water intake too!
Wednesday came and it was time to weigh in.
Now this last week in Bible study was focusing more on having peace about the way I feel
and not focusing on the scale.
I really wanted to weigh in though since i had such a good week so far.
I stepped up on the scale.......202!
That was a total of 2 1/2 lbs lost!!
Totally excited!!
So I carried on and had a great rest of the week.
Yesterday at church the sermon was about fasting.
Now when most think of fasting they think solely about not eating.
It has more to do with it than that.
I suggest you listen to Sundays message from Grace.
Here is the link...
Its not up just yet, but check in a day or so and see.
I have decided to do a manna challenge/fast.
Basically I will be eating "Manna" like the Israelites' ate.
Only mine is breakfast and lunch for only a week.
My "manna" will consist of one of these four things...plain brown rice, plain special k cereal (kinda like rice crispies), oatmeal (plain) or plain bread. No sugar, spreads or add-ons!
It basically suppose to be bland to remind me to be thankful, and to empty me of myself and my selfish cravings, but its also a fast for me.
He talked about crying out to God and asking him "Why God do I crave being filled with this cookie more than I crave being filled with you?"
I am fasting from coffee this week and my breakfast snacks and lunch. I will only be having
"Manna" for breakfast and lunch and then a dinner with my family.
I will be using this fast to intercede for my family in places where prayer is desperately needed.
I would greatly appreciate any prayers sent our way.
So that is my last week in recaps....
See ya in two days! HA!!